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Yet another solar array (42x42)

Posted: Tue Oct 10, 2017 5:29 pm
by yankee42
Here is yet another solar array:

Size: 42x42
Space efficiency (counting solar panels, batteries and roboport as "useful component"): ~98,87% (1744:1764)
Space efficiency (counting solar panels and batteries as "useful component"): ~98,07% (1730:1764)
Battery/solar array ratio: 117/140 = 0,835

Specials: Perfect square.
Screenshot of Solar array
Screenshot of Solar array
solar-array.jpg (369.96 KiB) Viewed 5762 times

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Re: Yet another solar array (42x42)

Posted: Wed Oct 11, 2017 12:16 am
by Jap2.0
Is this just over on solar or accumulators?

Re: Yet another solar array (42x42)

Posted: Sat May 12, 2018 10:32 pm
by septemberWaves
Jap2.0 wrote:Is this just over on solar or accumulators?
The correct ratio is 0.84, right (if not, the answer may differ but the method remains the same)? Since the ratio is accumulators divided by solar panels, if the ratio is larger than expected then there are too many accumulators (due to the numerator being too large; dividing a larger number), and if it is smaller than expected then there are too many solar panels (due to the denominator being too large; dividing by a larger number). In this case (assuming I am correct in that the correct ratio is 0.84) the ratio is less than expected, therefore there are slightly too many solar panels for this number of accumulators.

Re: Yet another solar array (42x42)

Posted: Sat May 12, 2018 11:44 pm
by Jap2.0
eloquentJane wrote:
Jap2.0 wrote:Is this just over on solar or accumulators?
The correct ratio is 0.84, right (if not, the answer may differ but the method remains the same)? Since the ratio is accumulators divided by solar panels, if the ratio is larger than expected then there are too many accumulators (due to the numerator being too large; dividing a larger number), and if it is smaller than expected then there are too many solar panels (due to the denominator being too large; dividing by a larger number). In this case (assuming I am correct in that the correct ratio is 0.84) the ratio is less than expected, therefore there are slightly too many solar panels for this number of accumulators.
Yep, that's the correct ratio. Looking back, battery/solar should have made that obvious. Thanks!