[Bob's] 1.6 million SPM/55 UPS, train-only gigabase.
Posted: Sun Feb 07, 2021 11:21 pm
final stats
- Playtime: 1453h39m
- Research: Stack inserter capacity bonus 50 (stack size 140) - not really possible to complete. costs 4.2P.
- Latest science pack (re)build: ~1.7 million space science pack per minute, totally dependent on stack size
- 780k SPM at inserter level 22
- Overall science rate: 1.6 million SPM over 50 hours
- Science pack benchmarks: (from my Research Sink mod)
- Automation 1.6m SPM
- Transport 1.6m SPM
- Chemical 1.6m SPM
- Logistics 1.6m SPM
- Utility 1.6m SPM
- Production (not outposted, not used much) 80k SPM
- Space 3.2 million SPM because it's unstacked, the other sciences are limited by beltboxes
- Game performance: 14.1-18ms with mimalloc (47-60+ UPS)
important mods
- aesthetic: dectorio, artisanal reskins, mechanicus (character skin), realistic heat glow, automatic train/station painting, mapshot, rocket-silo-stats, silent-belts, textplates, enhanced map colours, industrial display plates
- overhaul: bobores, bobplates, bobrevamp, bobtech, bobelectronics, bobmodules, bobgreenhouse, space extension, schall radioactive waste,
- moar tiers: bobassembly, bobclasses, boblogistics, bobmining, bobpower, bobwarfare, bobenemies, alien loot rebalanced (my version), Ultimate Belts,
- moar productivity: stacked mining, stacking beltboxes, compressed fluids, pressurized barrels,
- engine bug avoidance: miniloader (though i'm mostly using infinite stack research instead), schall machine scaling, schall recipe scaling, deadlock stacked recipes, schall pipe scaling, zzzzStopChasingBeltItems,
- QoL: copy paste modules, death markers, Fill4Me, Infinite Tech, QoL research, LootChestUPS, RSO, bobequipment, bp flip&turn, WellPlanner, Vehicle Grid, Volume Control,
- utility: rate calculator mod (Raiguard's), spidertron-extended, spidertron logistics,
- cheats: overpowered train fuel & braking power, biter-proof, RPG System, Schall minor tweaks, Schall_LabModules (for balance with Bob's), SunResources (remove excess/relocate ore patches), TagToTeleport, bobinserters, WideChests,
- unimportant, but here: wildfire season, railloader, BRL has smaller inventory size (better for UPS), cargo-ships,
This is not my first attempt. last time I tried to do 1 million science per minute, I did naive approach at first and put everything on trains and belts, on demand delivery. this was terrible. It was miserable performance and I started rebuilding it with direct insertion everywhere, mining into furnaces, oil pumpjacks straight into refineries.but still, ran into game engine limitation with performance... in order to move that many science packs per minute, the game starts to suffer. I added Schall Machine Scaling in an attempt to overcome, but it's not the number of assemblers/furnaces at that point, but the number of inserters and, locating resource patches that are nearby the things you want. I eventually used the editor just to see if it's possible, placing resource patches and inserters galore. it was about 38 UPS just with 1 million science per minute of Utility science.
so I've made it my mission:
- to keep 60 UPS and attain 1 million UPS for all sciences.
- train-to-train as much as possible - if I need to use bots at some point, I will, but for now I'm exploiting the inventory-to-inventory transfer rate without them just fine.
- no buffer chests at the train builds. this means I have to equally drain each wagon - they can drain at different rates but must pull overall the same number of inputs and push the same number of outputs per cycle.
- Productivity bug will be exploited wherever I can. this isn't many places, because it knocks the train-to-train build out of balance, since I have no buffer chests.
- no God modules. I like having nuclear power, but I'm using Schall +6 Reactor, equivalent to 4096 vanilla reactors. It outputs something like 168GW on its own.
- solar is backup only.
- each science pack has its own supply chain and outpost.
- each outpost will be ~10km+ away. further is better.
some pictures
most of the base. you can't see further down south where the 2nd science pack is produced.that'd be this.
central core of the base. it's where it all started. i built up until launching rockets and then pushed to 5600 SPM before expanding to first science outpost. I came back and doubled to 10k SPM. eventually after bringing in outposted science, I'm at something like 23,000 SPM.
Schall's +6 lab uses something like 36GW of power and it's hard to feed full rates:
a typical mine configuration dumping directly into trains.
my old iron smelting uses 2-way trains and has no queueing, it was adequate for a long time before I needed add'l throughput.
new style iron smelting, you can see i don't overlap the stackers, so it results in .... interesting looking build:
"sometimes the best choice of action is to ignore the stupid things you've done and press on until you've forgotten" -- wintstint churchilled
this whole outpost is all dedicated to blue science:
simple build (2-in, 1-out) of it, some resin boards for circuits:
map view:
complicated build, 3-in, 1-out:
another restriction, i don't want unnecessary inventory transfers.. so i don't have buffer chests outside of the train like you do.
to workaround the complicated build requirements for circuits, i have this bedlam occurring; a train goes and gets resin boards, and then ideally unloads all of them while picking up circuits, then goes and hopefully unloads all of those to pick up electronic circuits, but sometimes you see it gets stuck with things. it doesn't grind to a halt anymore, since i discovered that the productivity bug was causing imbalances. now I use scaled recipe to avoid the bug entirely unless it's a build where I've got essentially infinite inputs and void excess byproduct - i.e. water electrolysis.