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Posted: Mon Aug 19, 2019 5:06 pm
by majere119

That should be enough! Each column of furnaces takes 4 belts of ore and spits out 1 belt of Steel at the bottom. (yes 4 belts of ore then 4 belts of iron plate fit down a standard 12 beacon square!) It is very tall layout. I had it less tall and much wider but trains are stupid and will wait indefinitely for the 1st station instead of any one of the 10 others that are bone dry. Let me know if you want to see more bits, it's mostly boring beacon boxes. The real challenge is UPS optimization, belt routing, and train logistics.

Producing the 175,000 Steel per minute alone costs 12-15 UPS, 2M Iron Plate is about 15 as well. The "Science Base" producing 18K (4 purple belts) takes about 20 UPS by itself =(

Designing in creative mode because of the scale, instant blueprints, testing, etc. But could be built in a normal game with Factorio Extended Plus Mod.


Posted: Sat Aug 31, 2019 6:26 am
by Whataguy
That's a lot of steel