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Factorio Marvel - Quad City Design

Posted: Sun Jun 03, 2018 11:30 am
by thorinx
I've decided to stop Factorio, but I thought it a waste if no one ever got to see what I've been toiling over for what seems like a lifetime. Actually a year give or take.

I've been developing this idea over a few thousand hours, in a dozen or more multi hundred hour games.

I've invented everything in this world myself. I have not used blueprints from other people. And I've avoided looking at what other people are doing, because I wanted to invent all my doodads myself without being influenced by other people's designs. I put in a thousand hours before even making a robot, if you can believe that.

I have recently started checking out how other people play, and realized that I am kinda in a world of my own. I just finished Katherine of Sky's Mega Base. It's fascinating seeing how the other half lives.

Anyway, I hope someone enjoys what I've created.

All the best

Brief Note: City A & B are fully functional. City C is basically Just built and hooked up to the rail, so you can see it works from a cold start. I've left city D Empty if someone wants to make their own.

Not sure what I'm doing wrong. But the game save files are far too big to Upload here. So posting on google drive.

Save File On Google Drive ... 0OrrIjEYeV

PS: If you're curious why I'm quitting, it mostly has to do with bugs pertaining to water, and painful train management tools. Here is an old save game and a letter I never posted to developers regarding these issues if you're interested or a Developer.

Save File + Word Doc on Google Drive ... a9RUrdWcS3