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Worker Bots level 18 and performance differences

Posted: Sun Apr 29, 2018 3:08 am
by alanbdee
When 0.15 introduced infinite research I took it as far as I could but ran into a problem; performance. As a lightweight game it's normally fine on my basic laptop but when the fps dropped down to about 15 I started streaming the game from a gaming laptop I have. It's got a broken screen so it's more like desktop. I stopped when I achieved the research of worker bots level 18; that's 2,000,000 science packs. The game running 0.15 on my gaming laptop was pushing about 12fps.

Last week I upgraded my computer and loaded this save game up to see what kind of a performance increase I would get. 0.16 came with some pretty serious improvements. Here's the fps for each of my three computers:
  • Basic Laptop: Intel i7-6500U @2.5GHz, 16GB Ram @ 1600MHz: 14fps
  • Gaming Laptop: Intel i7-4810MQ @2.8GHz, 16GB ram @ 1600MHz: 16fps
  • New Desktop: Intel i7-8700K @ 3.7GHz, 16GB Ram @ 4000MHz: 26fps
The philosophy I went with on this game was to have multiple smaller bases instead of creating one giant megabase. Each base had the goal of launching one rocket as quickly as it could and consuming the resulting research. I was creating about 2.7k research packs per minute. I have used some cheat codes to clear away biters but that was only toward the end of the game and as a quick way to speed up performance.

Overall I've seen many impressive bases that others have built. This one is mine and I hope some of you find it interesting.