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[0.15.30] Bob's and Angel's botless run

Posted: Sat Oct 07, 2017 5:14 pm
by kwjcool321
Following the Bob's mod only run at 0.13, this time I play 0.15 with both Bob's and Angel's combined. (full Bob + Angel)
After 66 hours in the game, I had finally launched my first rocket. After half an hour later, I launched second. (close to 2 RPH)
I have not used any bots including logistic bots and construction bots.

Factory overview:
Angel Ores come from the bottom left, passed to top left to process into individual ores, then processed into plates at the center and placed on the main belt at right.
The lab production is at top right and Bob electronics at bottom right.
Angel petrochem at the bottom (not shown).
I am using prod8 modules everywhere, most of the products I only placed down 1 assembly machine.

The power grid looks like this because I progressively upgrade my radar from Mk1 to Mk5.
The yellow and white angel ore is imported from the left. Thermal water from bottom left. While multi phase oil is transported via the pipe from the right.
At the moment I got sniper turret, I start to clear biter bases (starting area set to "big"). Eventually I switch from sniper turret Mk3 to tank plasma cannon.
If any of the biter expansion candidate reach the pollution cloud, I will clear that nest to prevent the biter nest to advance.

Ore mining.
Because of the amplification effect of prod8 modules everywhere, I only need 1 large area mk5 for each type of local ore.
Notice the train station at the left, which I import yellow and white ore.
The coal is processed into coke pallet before consumed by steam power station for 25% energy boost.
The sulfuric acid is produced as a by-product of coal to coke washing process, and piped to the electonic's production.

Ore refining.
After several base rebuild I had changed to combo sort for every ore. The tungsten ore is produced at the top.
I had placed angel silo (256 slots) after every sorter to store the common ores.
Notice some of the ores are not used at all.
Early in the game I had crushed quite a lot of geodes into gemstones. The rest is recycled into mineral catalyst, which is needed for higher tier combo sort.
On the right side, notice how I make the plates and put those into the main bus (main spaghetti?).

The main bus
And the science pack production. Notice how each kind of 8 science packs are produced in 1 screen. The rocket is at the far right.
Solar panel Mk3 and silver zinc battery? Not a problem.
Radar Mk5 automation?? OMGGGGGG, I had to figure out a way to squish in the radar production into the science area, since the Mk5 radar almost took all different kind of ingredients.

The bob electronics are produced at a separated area below the main bus.
I had never build a proper mart for myself. Most items are hand crafted except some belts, furnaces and iron gears.

Main Mk2 labs with central chest (angel silo, 256 slots) for easy set up. Filter inserters are set to 1000.
Note that, with bob's mod, red U/G belt can cross over 9 tiles.
On the top right is the demolished Bob's warfare labs.

Research progress.
The 2 screenshots below shows that I had completed almost all non-infinite research except player item slot, which requires white science to complete.
All Bob's module researches and Bob's warfare researches are completed.

Steam power and Angel's petro chem.
With raw prod8 everywhere I am using only about 20~30MW for a 2rpH factory, so I stick to steam engines. Might switch to nuclear in the future.
On the left to the steam is the wood and gem production. Gem production is semi-automated, because gem is used at small quantity (around 1k of each?)
Below the steam is the brick and concrete farm, which water has to undergo a sequence of washing to get sand, clay, etc.
On the right is the whole hellish setup of Angel Petrochem. From 1 gas well and 1 multiphase oil rig (from outpost), through lots of processes, the final products are plastics and rocket fuel.

Bob's electronics.
At the center is the "sub-bus" for handling electronics' raw material and electronic's components. The main bus is at the top of the screen (not shown)
Some of the common materials are routed back to the main bus for science production. (eg: silver nitrate)
At the bottom part is the component production. Notice how I utilize direct insertion, like tinned wires, silicon wafer.
At the top part is the board production, followed by module board production.
The final product of circuit boards (brown, white, green and blue) are produced outside the screen, but it can be seen in the first screenshot.
Module board is fed to the module lab and module production at the bottom right.

Module production.
20+ types of raw ingredients from U/G belts are fed into the Angel's silo using filter condition of item<100 for each type.
I am producing raw speed at the moment. Few hours ago I was producing raw prod8.
All these assembly machines' recipes are changed based on module demand.
Direct insertion is utilized for feeding the lower tier modules to the higher.
At the right side is the RCU production for rocket and speed1 for yellow science.

Production stats.
It is interesting to see that the iron production is ranked at #4, as most of the Bob's electronic components are consumed really fast.
The highest consumption is the coke for steam power.

My equipment grid.
I didn't use the personal robotport and blueprint function during this run. 2 exoskeletons Mk1 for little boost of walking speed around base.
The diamond axe, which gives lots of mining speed boost, did help me a lot in this run, I am glad that I am able to get it within 10 hours in the game.
Sniper gun? I tried to use it against biter nest. but soon I found out it is much better to use sniper turret Mk3.

My tank Mk3 and its plasma cannon Mk5
The end-game biter nest clearing method for this run. Reusable and reliable, resource-free. One-shot biter nest (including elemental nest, which has 1500HP) and all biters, with explosion area of a grenade.
A small laser turret in the equipment grid is to prevent biter to get too close to the tank, as the plasma cannon can deal a lot of friendly damage to the tank itself.
The nuclear reactor, shields and batteries are stayed at Mk2, because the next tier requires modules, which is complicated to upgrade at the moment.

Future plan:
In the next 10 hours, I going to mass produce construction bot Mk4 and get myself a Mk5 power armor, few Mk2 robotport and tear down the base and rebuild.
And I am going to figure out how to restructure the petrochem, as I always facing shortage problem of ammonia, which slows down rocket fuel production, which slows down white science.

My thoughts with Angel's and Bob's mod.
Interesting and challenging, strongly recommended to all factorio-ers if vallina games are felt boring after 100hours.
With these Angel and Bob mod, it wouldn't be so easy to figure out the "typical layout" or "tileable layout" of goods production.
Well, a good, positive mindset is necessary for modded run, as the complexity can be overwhelming if anyone is not ready to take the challenge.
A suggestion to the Angel mod: there should be more recipes which allows the prod module insertion, and can be configured on/off at the mod settings.

Re: [0.15.30] Bob's and Angel's botless run

Posted: Fri Oct 13, 2017 1:03 pm
by GaimBot
This is nice! I'm wondering why you refused to use bots the whole time when you're considering to build them now...

Btw., I'm in a Bob/Angel/Yuoki playthrough atm trying to use the metallurgy only (no direct Ore->Metal plate in furnaces, just casting) and to avoid the pure ore-receipes that don't output mixtures. Maybe I'm accepting new constraints on top :)