I like your design, but when I first saw it I had the impression that it was really wrong. So, instead of critics without suggesting any improvement, I spend the last 2 hours to try to figure out what is wrong with it. I finally found the biggest issue: the iron plate supply. First of all, I worked on that design in my advanced game: iron ore supply is not monitored in my tests. It comes from several electric mining drills and red belts. I downgraded the belt to yellow just before the smelting area.
I don't now how you can use the design you presented in the first post in an actual game. The idea is definitively right : small smelting area, iron + copper on the same line, every low research items constructed at the same place, so you have easily access to everything you need before starting big bus / oil / more advanced factory and it is relatively compact and thus easy to defend from early bitters attacks. Definitely, it's a good idea. But after a few time, I realized that only the first items are assembled and really slowly due to a lack of gears, green circuits or iron plates. And basically all the problems can be reduced to a lack of iron plate supply. The iron output from your smelting area is awfully low.
So, I tried to improve that and this is what have
now (more detailed screenshot can be done on request). To summarize: 4 smelting columns of 9 stone furnaces (1 copper, 3 iron). 1 iron column dedicated all factories excepted gears and green circuit. These two use 1 dedicated line from the 2 other sources of iron plate. I also changed green circuit layout to something more efficient. It's definitively better: almost all my assembly machines are working and I start to stack almost every component I need for later.
However the iron plate supply is still too low to really have a 100% efficiency. I still lack of green circuit because the iron it taken after the gears production and if I reduce the number of assembling machine assembling gears, then instead of being low on green circuit I'll be low on gears. The only possibility to fix the issue is to add another column of stone furnaces to smelt more iron plate and thus supply more iron on the gears / circuit line. I started to add it before I realized something important: should I really do that? If I do that, I'll oversupply this line. Of course, it's not really an issue, I could easily merge the two lines after the circuit area, but this is not the core of my thoughts.
No. The issue is that I spent 2 hours to do that. I messed up in the middle, so let's say that I spent 1h. At that point I'm probably close to unlock the steel furnace. I probably will have to assemble the green science myself since I do not really have the layout to assemble it automatically, and this layout do not permit that easily, but whatever: all the component of the green science is produced and I'll probably have a few dozen of them.
So... Should I really add another column? Isn't more efficient to just convert all my current line to steel furnaces? Of course I'll have to produce Steel, but this can be easily done either by converting some of the furnaces in the smelting area, or by supply iron plate to a couple of furnaces yourself. Moreover, I do not want to have to many furnace columns. The idea behind this layout is to be temporary, why should I have a huge smelting area for something I'm going to remove within the next 2 hours? I also want to reduce at the maximum the ressources and the time spent in the layout for the same reason.
Now, another issue: you produce component that you do not really need that much and you completely forget some other really important one. Why do you need smart inserters when pipes are probably more useful at the early stage? Why this design do not let you store any iron/copper plates for your own usage? Do you have an additional smelting area for that (e.g. an additional area with the red science)? But if you have another area to do so... why should you really need a coupled iron/copper line here? You could simply use a single copper line for the green circuit + gears and a full iron line for the rest of the factory (e.g. see next paragraph), it's way more efficient. If you want to include a small research area, you can do something like
that. It's probably not optimized at all, but at least you have another useful use of your coupled iron/copper line.
To go further, I tried
something else (do not pay attention to robots. I was just lazy). Same design, same input, just an inversion between lines and the inclusion of red science (after all it was the point of this new design). The coupled iron/copper line holds almost perfectly the iron supply from the 2 furnace columns. Of course, all gears are vampirized by the red science, but when the red science line will be full (quickly) the issue will be fixed (and whatever, Science always comes first). The iron supply on both lines is way better, I'm now able to steal some of it from my own usage (same goes for copper).
I'm producing way too many green circuit, meaning that one of them could be removed to increase the slightly too low gears production (again, too lazy to find the perfect ratio).
There is probably more things to improve. My last version uses probably way to many belts and I think that using smart inserters to catch iron for the green science is a mistake: you normally don't have it so early in the game and if you need to rush this research this area cannot be done quickly enough to really be useful. I tried to catch the iron from the other full iron belt instead, and I'm pretty sure this is a good way do deal with the issue. underground belt + long arm inserters should be used for that, but not today (you can add another hour of play since I started the redaction of this post...). So for now, let the reflection where it is. I'll come back on that on the 0.13 version of the game.
PS. I know that the 9 stone furnaces per column is probably not a good ratio. I didn't want to check exactly what the perfect ratio is. It wasn't really the point of my tests and I use a different layout for my definitive smelting area anyway.
PPS. I added a munition assembling machine at the end of the assembling line. Just to use the extra iron plates that might by miracle make their way to the end of the line.
PPPS. Graa. Not allowed to post urls on my first post.