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Endgame Tilable Beaconed Smelting + Green Circuits

Posted: Sat May 20, 2017 7:31 pm
by Engimage
Here is my setup I started using lately for Green Circuits.
I have come up with an idea to combine smelting and production cause full belt of Green Circuits requires less smelters than a full row to saturate.
As a result I have the line of comparable size to a common 2 belt smelting but outputting Green Circuits instead.
This build consumes near 70 MW of power. However it is really efficient to merge multiple rows as they will share a line of beacons.
For comparison here is my 2 belt smelting line
This build consumes near 65 MW of power alone but also benefits from sharing beacon line with nearby rows.

Re: Endgame Tilable Beaconed Smelting + Green Circuits

Posted: Thu Jun 15, 2017 10:55 am
by Sactorio
For reference: PacifyerGrey has now expanded this into a collection with designs for cogs, steel and red circuits.