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Compact Science Factory!

Posted: Fri May 16, 2014 11:59 am
by Ghoam
So I just got the game a couple days ago, love it, and one bit that always intruiges me is making factories to make science. So of course I decided to see if I could make a small factory that makes red, green, and blue science! And purple I guess but that's simple anyways...

So! Here's my factory:


I could think of ways to improve it, like making it take coal/petroleum gas to make plastic/batteries on-demand or something but hey~
I'm happy with this as far as being small goes

Maybe I'll instead three individual factories for each kind of science. One of the fun bits is just watching all your items get carted about the place~

Re: Compact Science Factory!

Posted: Fri May 16, 2014 9:21 pm
by Teurlinx
Nice, I'm a big fan of the compact design :)