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Ultimate Factorio PAX Train

Posted: Mon Jun 10, 2019 11:27 pm
by Dr. Walrus
These are 2 saves where I have built the ultimate PAX train setup. It works by giving each station a unique code over a circuit network. When you send that code over the network, the station that it is equal to will receive that code, move a dummy train from blocking that station, and then the PAX train will be dispatched from it's current station. Because only 1 station will be unblocked, the PAX train will only go to that particular station.

This map was created first:
Railworld in
(5.43 MiB) Downloaded 109 times
Later I revised my design and set up a PAX train on this map:
(33.11 MiB) Downloaded 115 times
Please be aware that both maps need create mode installed to function properly. The blueprints for building the PAX stations don't require any mods but you need creative mode to power everything.