Transmit signal wirelessly over railway
Posted: Tue Jun 19, 2018 4:52 am
The concept is to use the fact that trains can detect disabled rail station anywhere it can route in order to transmit a long range signal over the railway.
Connect 1 or more pairs of rail segments to your extended railway. Multiple pairs can be used to send a binary number.
The transmitter station is disabled by default. A local signal enables the stop to send 1 bit of data.
The receiving station has a train set to go back and forth between the pair with no wait, and sits at it's station until the transmit station is enabled. Then it goes a small way and stops at a permanently closed rail signal. The receive station sends its train ID to a not gate, and then a flip-flop to toggle a binary signal depending on whether a train ID is read. Once the signal is received, a reset signal can be used to clear the data.
For example, a remote site circuit network has a bullets signal that goes below a threshold and then enables the sites supply station, and bullet order transmit station. A far away bullet producing factory reads the order via its bullet order receive station, and a circuit condition wait rule is satisfied at the sites delivery station, sending the bullet delivery train to any enabled site supply stops in its schedule.
To try out the blueprint, build 2 way locos on the receiving stations, set their route to that digits transmit / receive pair "station 1, no wait > station A, no wait" and so on
Turn on the constant combinator at the transmit end to emulate a signal. Once your done with the signal on the receiving end, turn on the constant combinator on the reset line to issue a data reset.
Connect 1 or more pairs of rail segments to your extended railway. Multiple pairs can be used to send a binary number.
The transmitter station is disabled by default. A local signal enables the stop to send 1 bit of data.
The receiving station has a train set to go back and forth between the pair with no wait, and sits at it's station until the transmit station is enabled. Then it goes a small way and stops at a permanently closed rail signal. The receive station sends its train ID to a not gate, and then a flip-flop to toggle a binary signal depending on whether a train ID is read. Once the signal is received, a reset signal can be used to clear the data.
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To try out the blueprint, build 2 way locos on the receiving stations, set their route to that digits transmit / receive pair "station 1, no wait > station A, no wait" and so on
Turn on the constant combinator at the transmit end to emulate a signal. Once your done with the signal on the receiving end, turn on the constant combinator on the reset line to issue a data reset.