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Robust kovarex processing

Posted: Thu May 18, 2017 2:40 pm
by mnicolella
I think I have a robust Kovarex setup. Attached is my save

The intention is to prime the system with U235, and provide an incoming belt of U238.

The logic setup extracts 1 U235 per 41 output, and injects 3 U238 per 2 output.

The only clever bit here is using modulus to keep a rolling count of output items. It appears that the way the logic gets evaluated, for exactly one tick you can detect when the modulus is going to wrap around, so I use that to send a signal to a counter which keeps track of how many times to tick the inserter to either extract the U235 or insert U238.

I haven't completely stress tested this but it seems to be working well for me so far.

Re: Robust kovarex processing

Posted: Sun May 21, 2017 8:09 pm
by mnicolella
Turned this into blueprint strings:

Initial input+output+logic:

Code: Select all

And the tilable extension to add more centrifuges:

Code: Select all


Re: Robust kovarex processing

Posted: Mon May 22, 2017 6:11 pm
by mnicolella
I'd like to work on this some more, the biggest flaw here is the initial priming is not automated and is actually a giant pain to spread the 235 around until there's enough extra that it doesn't get stuck.

If there was a way to stop inserters from pre-filling the centrifuge, that would greatly help the priming process - does anyone have tips on doing this?

Otherwise, once this is primed, it works extremely well. The gated release of 238 means this will only halt when the 235 output is backed up. Even then, the extra 235 will recirculate back into the system for a while until it's totally stopped, and the circuitry correctly keeps track of how much extra 235 there is, so when the bottleneck is relieved it extracts all of the extra stuff and returns back to its steady state.

Re: Robust kovarex processing

Posted: Tue May 23, 2017 11:06 pm
I have make a "Build and forget" setup ...
Build it and let it run ... no inital fueling or something.
It only let the 40 inital uranium in to start the process and then it close the input.

In one file is the whole setup and in the other only 1 Modul.
Have fun with it!