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Simple and dynamic belt compression counter

Posted: Mon Jan 30, 2017 9:09 pm
by huliosh
The idea is to track the compression rate of the belt in real-time. Details below the picture.
Limited to full compressed belt.
precise_tracker.jpg (154.3 KiB) Viewed 1446 times
Belt pattern repeats every 9 cells and consists 32 items per side.
Yellow belt = 800 items per min
Red belt = 1600 items per min
Blue belt = 2400 items per min
800 / 32 * 2(or 64) = 12.5
1600 / 64 = 25
2400 / 64 = 37.5
Since combinators works with integers, we need to get rid from the float numbers.
For example Yellow belt: 12.5 * 2 * 64 * 100 000 = 160M > 160M / 2 / 100 000 = 800 per min
Or Blue belt: 37.5 * 2 * 64 * 100 000 = 480M > 480M / 2 / 100 000 = 2400 per min

This operation will make precise integer division.