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Re: Control Drone Ration with single "Logic Gate"

Posted: Fri Aug 22, 2014 7:41 am
by darkminaz
well it's a simple "if" request.
sadly we just can't access all the int and floats directly :/
if "currentAvaliableRobots" > 100 then create MOARROBOTSLOL

4 years of it school so yeah, guilty as charged :D
(even if i know work in webdesign since it pays way better in the little place i moved to :P)

Maybe they add some sort of logcistic center hub (for a lot of resources/research) with slots to access some of those data.
the kinda "code your own logistic network". Guess a man can still dream :D

E: i think you did missunderstand my setup, sadly i deleted it again. (mostly the same as yours just with 2-3 fast inserters less)
Every single factory in my setup got a limit and i got almost everything that i use to build on "standby". So i can just create blueprints and let the bots do the rest :D

Re: Control Drone Ration with single "Logic Gate"

Posted: Fri Aug 22, 2014 10:39 am
by DerivePi
darkminaz wrote:well it's a simple "if" request.
sadly we just can't access all the int and floats directly
Have a look at this thread ... 6&start=10

Re: Control Drone Ration with single "Logic Gate"

Posted: Fri Aug 22, 2014 11:05 am
by darkminaz
something around that :P but maybe a bit more "userfriendly" to not push the limits of how hard the game is ..
or well .. wtf am i even talking about, make it hard and teach people stuff. LEARN PUNY HUMANS :D

my thought was more like
switch( BotNumberActive )
case 'LowActiveBots" : printf( "Do you even lift brah? /n" );
case 'HighActiveBots' : printf( "EVERYTHING IS AWESOME WHEN UR PART OF A TEAM /n" );
case 'LowBuilderBots' : printf( "Sir, can i help you build a city? /n" );
default : printf( "You got enough bots /n" );

but i'm happy with anything that lets me create my "OWN" logistic network. Cables would still not let me control the important stats but would maybe add some options :D