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[MOD 0.12.X] Leons Automated Upgrade Generation

Posted: Wed Apr 15, 2015 11:31 pm
by Leon713
Leons Automated Upgrade Generation

First of all:
Please excuse my bad english, I didn't have a lot of practice in the last years.

-=- Background -=-

I'm a huge fan of factorio. But I find it frustrating that there's not much to do after researching everything. So I sat down last year and started modding. It was a small mod with two to three upgrades for some of the included technologies (bullets, shotgun shells, turrets and something else). Nothing major.

Since some months I follow this youtuber (Arumba) which often complained about the limited number of upgrades. When he some days ago again mentioned, there where not enough upgrades in this game, I desided to have a look at my little mod, expand it and give it to the public.

UPDATE (16.04.2015):

It's been a bit late tonight. So there were some points left behind.
Like the title suggests, this mod is not my above mentioned small one. This one is inspired by the function for the 'combat robot follower count'-upgrade generation in vanilla factorio. Within tech-files are not every single upgrade but functions which generate this upgrades on the fly by starting up factorio.

UPDATE (30.01.2015):

As some people already mentioned: this mod is compatible to version 0.12.X of factorio. I updated it nevertheless. It containes now 25 levels of every update type and also an update chain for "character logistic trash slots".

-=- Features -=-

- Twenty (20!) levels for each upgrade-serie
- ...which include:
  • - Bullet damage
    - Bullet speed
    - Character logistic slots
    - Character logistic trash slots
    - Combat-robot damage
    - Combat-robot follower count
    - Gun-turret damage
    - Inserter stacksize
    - Laser-turret damage
    - Laser-turret speed
    - Logistic-robot speed
    - Logistic-robot stacksize
    - Research effectivity
    - Rocket damage
    - Rocket speed
    - Shotgun shell damage
    - Shotgun shell speed
    - ...and one additional Toolbelt
- Modular mod (switch every upgrade-serie within the included 'config.lua'-file off, that you don't want)
- De-/increase research costs for the mods (50% or 150% of the default costs - also changed within the 'config.lua'-file)
- Upgrade-series are often less effectiv and more expensive than within vanilla factorio
- Every upgrade-level takes more time to research; so research effectivity should be much more useful
- And, as spezial feature, an...


...with all vanilla values and all changes made by my mod! (Can be found within the zip-file; only default modded-science-costs included)

-=- Installation -=-

Put the zip-file in the data-folder whitin your factorio-installation-directory and switch the mod ingame on - that's it!
No need to unzip the file!

-=- Compatibility -=-
Peace mod

-=- Request -=-

This mod may need some bugfixing & balancing. Please send your suggestions and bug-reports to the included e-mail-adress or post them in this thread. Thank you.

UPDATE (16.04.2015):

As it been 16 years since I programed, it was a bit tough to get back to this. And because I used to program in "Borland Pascal" (a old but well structured programming-language) back in 1999, made it even harder.
There are many points in this mod that are contrary to the principles of good programming I learned; so I will continue to change some things here and there. But this will not change your experience with this mod as there will be no feature-changes - unless a lot of you wish that or there are bugs in some of them.

-=- ScreenShots -=-

-=- History -=-

1.0.0 - Public release
1.1.0 - Expanded to 25 update levels and included "character logistic trash slots"

-=- Licence -=-

- CC BY 4.0 -

UPDATE (16.04.2015):

As the licence under which this mod is released is CC BY 4.0 you can do what ever you want with this mod. Just give credit.

Re: [MOD 0.11.X] Leons Automated Upgrade Generation

Posted: Thu Apr 16, 2015 10:07 am
by darkshadow1809
This might prove very useful :D Mind if i add this in the next version of the modpack ?

Re: [MOD 0.11.X] Leons Automated Upgrade Generation

Posted: Thu Apr 16, 2015 12:37 pm
by Leon713
Hi darkshadow,

sure, do as you please. Licence is CC BY 4.0, so just give credit. :D

Re: [MOD 0.11.X] Leons Automated Upgrade Generation

Posted: Fri Apr 17, 2015 5:49 pm
by KrzysD
getting this error

It is a different tech level 6 every time i run the game, when it loads the mod.

-Edit: Version 11.21

Edit 2: Figured out why the error happens, doesn't work with peace mod.

Re: [MOD 0.11.X] Leons Automated Upgrade Generation

Posted: Sat Apr 18, 2015 10:39 am
by Leon713
Hi KrzysD,

thank you for your feedback! There are two ways to make both mods work together:

===== First method =====
(Makes combat tech in peace mod accessible)

1) Change a setting in the peace mod.
1.1) Extract the peace mod with an extract tool (e.g. WinZIP, 7-Zip).
1.2) Open 'config.lua' in the peace mod folder a text editor tool (notepad, Notepad++, VIM, etc.) - not ms word please!
1.3) Change 'removeMilitaryTech=true' to ''removeMilitaryTech=false' and save the file.
1.4) IMPORTANT - you now have to move the peace mod zip file out of your 'data'-folder and either leave the extracted peace mod folder be or compress the folder to a new zip file with the exact name like the removed one.

===== Second method =====
(Removes combat tech upgrades in my mod)

2) Change some settings in my mod.
2.1) Extract my mod with an extract tool (have a look in the e.g.-section above)
2.2) Now...
2.2.a) ...either move the 'config.lua'-file within the zip-file beneath this post to the extracted folder, replacing the existing file.
2.2.b) ...or open the 'config.lua' in the extracted mod folder with a text editor tool (again, look in the e.g.-section above for some text editor examples) and change this settings:

BulletDamageMod = true
BulletSpeedMod = true
CombatRobotsDamageMod = true
CombatRobotsFollowerCountMod = true
GunTurretDamageMod = true
LaserTurretDamageMod = true
LaserTurretSpeedMod = true
RocketDamageMod = true
RocketSpeedMod = true

to this:

BulletDamageMod = false
BulletSpeedMod = false
CombatRobotsDamageMod = false
CombatRobotsFollowerCountMod = false
GunTurretDamageMod = false
LaserTurretDamageMod = false
LaserTurretSpeedMod = false
RocketDamageMod = false
RocketSpeedMod = false

2.3) Again IMPORTANT - you now have to move my mod zip file out of your 'data'-folder and either leave the extracted mod folder be or compress the folder to a new zip file with the exact name like the removed zip file.

Please leave a post if everything works out for you. Thank you.

Re: [MOD 0.11.X] Leons Automated Upgrade Generation

Posted: Sun Apr 19, 2015 9:27 pm
by KrzysD
Leon713 wrote:Hi KrzysD,

thank you for your feedback! There are two ways to make both mods work together:

===== First method =====
(Makes combat tech in peace mod accessible)

1) Change a setting in the peace mod.
1.1) Extract the peace mod with an extract tool (e.g. WinZIP, 7-Zip).
1.2) Open 'config.lua' in the peace mod folder a text editor tool (notepad, Notepad++, VIM, etc.) - not ms word please!
1.3) Change 'removeMilitaryTech=true' to ''removeMilitaryTech=false' and save the file.
1.4) IMPORTANT - you now have to move the peace mod zip file out of your 'data'-folder and either leave the extracted peace mod folder be or compress the folder to a new zip file with the exact name like the removed one.

===== Second method =====
(Removes combat tech upgrades in my mod)

2) Change some settings in my mod.
2.1) Extract my mod with an extract tool (have a look in the e.g.-section above)
2.2) Now...
2.2.a) ...either move the 'config.lua'-file within the zip-file beneath this post to the extracted folder, replacing the existing file.
2.2.b) ...or open the 'config.lua' in the extracted mod folder with a text editor tool (again, look in the e.g.-section above for some text editor examples) and change this settings:

BulletDamageMod = true
BulletSpeedMod = true
CombatRobotsDamageMod = true
CombatRobotsFollowerCountMod = true
GunTurretDamageMod = true
LaserTurretDamageMod = true
LaserTurretSpeedMod = true
RocketDamageMod = true
RocketSpeedMod = true

to this:

BulletDamageMod = false
BulletSpeedMod = false
CombatRobotsDamageMod = false
CombatRobotsFollowerCountMod = false
GunTurretDamageMod = false
LaserTurretDamageMod = false
LaserTurretSpeedMod = false
RocketDamageMod = false
RocketSpeedMod = false

2.3) Again IMPORTANT - you now have to move my mod zip file out of your 'data'-folder and either leave the extracted mod folder be or compress the folder to a new zip file with the exact name like the removed zip file.

Please leave a post if everything works out for you. Thank you.
Wow! Thank you for your help, I ended up just removing peace mod, since it would be more fun with your mod :P

Re: [MOD 0.11.X] Leons Automated Upgrade Generation

Posted: Fri Oct 23, 2015 4:06 pm
by KrzysD
This mod work for version 12.13 :)

Re: [MOD 0.11.X] Leons Automated Upgrade Generation

Posted: Tue Nov 10, 2015 10:07 am
by hoho
Seems to work fine with 12.16 as well.

Combined with Expensive Technology and Science Overhaul it seems to make for an interesting challenge.

If my math is correct, without modules/beacons/lab efficiency upgrades, a single lab would take close to 19 years to complete that :D

Re: [MOD 0.12.X] Leons Automated Upgrade Generation

Posted: Sun Apr 03, 2016 11:02 pm
by miridius
Hey man I absolutely love the concept of this mod, and after a lot of trawling through the forums I picked it as one of the few mods I installed because it adds more levels for the most number of different techs (compared to other mods which only add them for some), but after using it and checking your spreadsheet -- thanks for including that btw! Excel FTW -- I disagree a lot with the way you chose to do the scaling and as a result disabled the mod entirely for now.

Some things that I would do differently are:
1. Don't touch the standard techs *at all*. Myself (and I think a lot of other players) like to keep to vanilla values as much as possible for what's already available because we respect the balance decisions of the core devs and because we want our successes and achievements to be as comparable as possible with other players, and the reason I (and perhaps others) seek mods like this one is that we just want to add more lategame options for researching after the standard tech tree essentials are finished.
2. Try to keep the costs for the different science pack types the same. If a research takes for example red, green, and blue science then it should (or at least in most cases, with maybe the occasional oddball just to make things interesting) take the same amount of each one. The way you've scaled them, the ratios between the different science types changes at every level of upgrade, which personally I dislike because it makes it impossible to build the production facilities for the different science packs in the correctratio because there is no right ratio

It's hard to say that these are necessarily good or bad ideas and better or worse than the way you did things since it's all pretty subjective, but I think my suggestions are more in line with the original game which (to me anyway) is a good thing since we all love the game so much

Re: [MOD 0.12.X] Leons Automated Upgrade Generation

Posted: Sun Apr 03, 2016 11:11 pm
by Factorio2016
I'm afraid he's not coming! :(
Last visited:30 Jan 2016, 21:59

Re: [MOD 0.12.X] Leons Automated Upgrade Generation

Posted: Sun Jun 05, 2016 1:48 am
by sore68
Hi there~

I've used this mode
But there is missing in the damage upgrade of the combat robot.

vanila have laser & beam but combat-robot-damage.lua have only laser

Can you add beam type???

sorry for my bad English and thank you for this mod!!!

Re: [MOD 0.12.X] Leons Automated Upgrade Generation

Posted: Tue Jun 07, 2016 5:45 am
by sore68
I change this mod, easy to upgrade

all technology count, time, maxlevel change

Code: Select all

count = (f_level * 20) * (f_level * IncreasingFactor) -> count = (f_level * 2) * (f_level * IncreasingFactor)
:max=10000/ combat bot damage=5000

time = 20

maxlevels = 25 -> maxlevels = 50
add Combat Robot Damage Type [beam] Upgrade

you can change [config.lua] set true/false

normal technology maximum upgrade view
normal technology maximum upgrade view
exam01.png (169.98 KiB) Viewed 17921 times
combat technology maximum upgrade view
combat technology maximum upgrade view
exam02.png (183.83 KiB) Viewed 17921 times

+sorry my english and lua skill....
I could not succeed add original upgrade combat bot damage // type [beam]
and made new [beam] upgrade.
(187.17 KiB) Downloaded 172 times

Re: [MOD 0.12.X] Leons Automated Upgrade Generation

Posted: Fri Jul 08, 2016 5:44 am
by Panasonic1
Hello! I love this mod!
Hopefully author will upload it to Factorio Mods Portal.

Here is changes for 0.13 (See attachments)

Re: [MOD 0.12.X] Leons Automated Upgrade Generation

Posted: Sun Jul 17, 2016 8:35 am
by sore68
Panasonic1 wrote:Hello! I love this mod!
Hopefully author will upload it to Factorio Mods Portal.

Here is changes for 0.13 (See attachments)

Oh good Panasonoc1!!!

I have some change this mod

I teamed up for combat robot beam & laser
and added fire turret upgrade

next is some picture

fire turret
and the modified file.

Re: [MOD 0.12.X] Leons Automated Upgrade Generation

Posted: Mon Aug 08, 2016 8:59 am
by Leon713
Good day, ladies and gentlemen!

Got an e-mail from a kind community member, pointing at all the changes that happend.
I will have a look at my mod and the changes made by kindly people of the community (thank you Panasonoc1 and sore68), modify it and upload it to the "Mods Portal".
May take two to four days.



Re: [MOD 0.12.X] Leons Automated Upgrade Generation

Posted: Thu Oct 06, 2016 3:06 pm
by KrzysD
So Leon never came back :lol: but I updated it to .14 and changed the max level to 25 again, since lvl 50 on trash and logistic slots made the gui go off the screen if you use 1920x1080 resolution.