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[0.11.x] Reduced building stack sizes

Posted: Tue Feb 24, 2015 6:26 am
by Schmendrick
Due to this thread, I wrote a quick mod to reduce the stack sizes of buildings, in at least a vague nod to realism. The change is based on the size (collision box) of the placed item, so adjustments to any modded items will be similar. (This mod will never increase the stack size of an item, so things with intentionally defined small stack sizes, such as the car or tank, will be untouched.)

Changes to vanilla items:
burner-mining-drill adjusted from 50 to 30
basic-mining-drill adjusted from 50 to 10
radar adjusted from 50 to 10
assembling-machine-1 adjusted from 50 to 20
assembling-machine-2 adjusted from 50 to 20
assembling-machine-3 adjusted from 50 to 20
solar-panel adjusted from 50 to 10
straight-rail adjusted from 50 to 40
curved-rail adjusted from 50 to 30
player-port adjusted from 50 to 30
substation adjusted from 50 to 30
basic-accumulator adjusted from 50 to 30
electric-furnace adjusted from 50 to 20
storage-tank adjusted from 50 to 10
pumpjack adjusted from 20 to 10
oil-refinery adjusted from 10 to 5
Pretty simple.

Re: [0.11.x] Reduced building stack sizes

Posted: Tue Feb 24, 2015 8:16 am
by StoneLegion
Very nice. Great for people who like playing with a bit more realism.

Re: [0.11.x] Reduced building stack sizes

Posted: Tue Feb 24, 2015 10:35 am
by hoho

That would also lessen the hit caused by things like I had when I configured a smart inserter wrong and ended up with a provider chest full of refineries :D

Re: [0.11.x] Reduced building stack sizes

Posted: Fri Mar 06, 2015 9:16 pm
by Dellamonikus
How to modify the mod to increase stack sizes for e.g. iron plates?

Re: [0.11.x] Reduced building stack sizes

Posted: Fri Mar 06, 2015 9:37 pm
by Schmendrick
In one of themod's data.lua files (I recommend data-final-fixes.lua)

Code: Select all

data.raw.item["iron-plate"].stack_size = 500
For whatever the item name is, or whatever the stack size you want. Repeat as many times as you want for different items.

If you're not sure what the name of an item is, hold it on your cursor in game and type into the console,

Code: Select all

/c game.players[1].print(game.players[1]
You should probably make your own mod though, instead of editing an existing one, if you ever intend to play multiplayer. (All you really need from that tutorial is how to set up a mod, a stack size alteration mod is pretty simple!)