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MOD [ 0.17.x] Nuclear science

Posted: Wed Jun 26, 2019 10:06 pm
by nosports
Title: Nuclear Science
Short Description: Makes the nuclear part of the base game somewhat expensiver
Mod State: Experimental / early alpha.
Dependencies: Base, Bob's Functions Library mod
Downloads: Mod Portal

This mod makes the base nuclear part reseach & assembling expensiver.


* nuclear-science-pack - Science-pack needed for researching all nuclear tech, will hand out occasionally some uranium-235 and uranium-238 in the assembling process
* shielded-assembler - Assembler which deals for all nuclear stuff beside the centrifuge
* centrifuge - Centrifuge is treated as a building and will need the nuclear-centrifuges as items (optional, default in this mod is 1000 nuclear-centrifuges, base like is 0 centrifuges)
* nuclear fuel will hand out a depleted fuel cell which will need to be processed


I feel the nuclear part somewhat very easy in the base game, even if i use only the uranium-ammo
If you think what an enourmus effort it was to develope all the nuclear tech it is just underrated.
Think about the Manhattan-project and every Nuclear-Reaktor build.....

The gfx is very bleak / simple but i am working on that :oops:

I consider this mod as very early work in progress, so no guaranty is made in any directions.
Feedback (bad or good, but preferable good J ) is greatly appreciated

So bear with me :P