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[MOD 0.17] LTNeasy - Now obsolete!

Posted: Sun Mar 03, 2019 12:00 pm
by GrumpyJoe
Inspired by an earlier LTN Stop rework, i decided to make my own for 0.17.
This was the perfect rework to LTN on my last AB map, as Advanced Circuits are abit harder to come by, at least before i set up my desired train network.
Unfortunatly i can´t find the original mod that inspired this, to give credit where its due, as its almost a straight copy, but i wasn´t happy with that reciepe anyway

I am aware that the raw mats incresed alot and that it´s not as easy to automate with 5 "intermediates"
This is purely to get rid of advanced circuits, as they are generally alot more difficult with Bob´s Electronics and especially with Angel´s Petrochem

You now need
1 Train Stop
1 Lamp
1 Constant Combinator
2 Red Wires
2 Green Wires

I think this best reflects the look of LTN´s stops and the need to wire them
As well as Opteras initial intentions to make it mid/late game (needing blue science at some point)

Let me know if there is need for more complex reworks, thinking of pY etc., as i dont know if the wires make it harder due to something like rubber


Re: [MOD 0.17] LTNeasy

Posted: Sun Mar 03, 2019 3:18 pm
by GrumpyJoe
Well, that went quick!

This mod is now obsolete, as after some discussion, Optera changed his mod according to our combined balance conclusions.

With someone as active as him, its always best to first contact the author
But im very thankful of his feedback, as i learned to look at what other stuff mods do (Cargo Ships in this case) and act accordingly.

Thanks again to Optera and the 15 people that downloaded within the first 2 hours

It was good as long as it lasted :D :D

May i call myself a modder now? :roll:

I changed it to deprecated
I´m still subed to this post, so if you find any use cases, just reply here and i might reactivate