Thermonuclear bombs bring a whole new level of destruction to Factorio, and are the only weapon in the game that can seriously hurt the leviathan biters from Bob's Enemies . Stand well back!
Thorium and plutonium fuel cycles give players more choices about mid-game economics. The uranium cycle produces a lot of valuable plutonium - but the thorium cycle is much more energy-efficient, and used thorium fuel cells can be reprocessed to recover unused fissile material.
Should be compatible with all mods. Bob's and Angel's are actively supported, with a thorium refining recipe slipped into Angel's Refining.
As of 0.1.6, there are now tactical thermonuclear artillery shells and tactical nuclear artillery shells for ultimate destructive power. These totally-not-op things are disabled by default, and can be enabled with mod settings.
Keep an eye out for my upcoming mineral & advanced science mods, which will bring many more interesting ways of obtaining thorium, plutonium and more diverse nuclear fuels to Factorio!
Thorium cycle is more fuel-efficient but generates less plutonium.
15x Plutonium can be used in an alternative atomic bomb recipe
Thermonuclear bombs are expensive as hell, costing an atomic bomb, personal fusion reactor & high-level modules of each class. However, they bring a new level of power, with an area of effect more than twice that of an atomic bomb, and much more damage. A weapon of epic proportions in cost and devastation, they will even bring the pain to leviathan biters & spitters from the Bob's Enemies mod.
Change Log
1.6: Added tactical nuclear artillery shells with opt-in mod settings
1.5: Fixed resource path bug
1.4: Added thorium ore item in case non was provided, fixed bug where thorium pure processing was always shown, massively restructured code for stability, rebalanced thorium pure processing ingrdients from pure ores to ore crystals, changed crotinnium requirement to jivolite
1.3: Fixed vanilla bug preventing mixed oxide recipes working
1.2: - Rebalanced recipe costs, eliminated Uranium-235 from Thorium fuel cell reprocessing and instead made the fuel cells 12GJ from 8GJ. Icons updated accordingly
1.1: Fixed vanilla bug, rebalanced thermonuclear bomb recipe's module requirement from 5 to 3
1.0: Initial release
if angelsmods.refining then
table.insert(data.raw["technology"]["advanced-ore-refining-4"].effects, {type = "unlock-recipe", recipe = "thorium-pure-processing"})
if mods["angelsrefining"] then
table.insert(data.raw["technology"]["advanced-ore-refining-4"].effects, {type = "unlock-recipe", recipe = "thorium-pure-processing"})
Thanks heaps dude. When I tested this myself my mod folder still had angelsrefining sitting there inactivated. Maybe that's why I didn't spot this bug. I will update asap (in a few hours)
orzelek wrote:On an unrelated note:
Conditional require's were breaking mods in multiplayer. I'm not sure if thats still the case but it's safer not to use them.
ZombieMooose wrote:I'm going to check for myself, but how complex would you say the production chains are? A potential flowchart for the different chains?
I'm also going to test the compatibility with PyFusion tomorrow and get back to you on that.
I'm hoping this fills the void left by Uranium Power dying.
Heya, good thinking - I'll publish a flowchart asap.
In general, I believe the chains are quite simple, but there is still much room for economic options.
ZombieMooose wrote:Hey I thought of a suggestion. Add an artillery version of the thermonuclear bomb, similar to atomic artillery.
Also possibly a mox fuel chain.
Thanks for the suggestion. I'm working on an artillery overhaul mod (mortars, light artillery, phosphorus & napalm & tactical nuclear rounds) so I'll certainly explore adding it there.
Mox is in the mod already, you'll notice that you can use Plutonium-239 to create new fuel cells instead of using it to create bombs.
Another thing I've got commented out in the code is the concept of using "critical mass" items as an ingredient in nuclear weapons, with multiple recipes to create. Probably not necessary, but could make some interesting recipes. The icon is in the mod's icon folder. Any ideas for its use would be handy
Any chance you could incorporate compatibility for RSO in a quick patch? I'm okay configuring it for myself, but others might not feel so inclined, love the mod though! Cheers!!
jmattspartacus wrote:Any chance you could incorporate compatibility for RSO in a quick patch? I'm okay configuring it for myself, but others might not feel so inclined, love the mod though! Cheers!!
Hi, it's already perfectly RSO compatible this mod doesn't change anything about map generation
Hey there, unfortunately I can't get both mixed oxide recipes to work at the moment. I'm playing with the most recent angel and bobs mods in 0.16, including Thermonuclear.
In-game the recipe for both mixed oxide recipes say "Made in", but the list is empty. I haven't finished researching everything, so I might be missing a factory.
In the mods lua file, it is listed under the category "centrifuging", so I guess it should be made in the centrifuge?
In the description (first post here) though it says:
if mods["angelsrefining"] then
table.insert(data.raw["technology"]["advanced-ore-refining-4"].effects, {type = "unlock-recipe", recipe = "thorium-pure-processing"})
if mods["angelsrefining"] then
if data.raw.item["thorium-ore"] then
table.insert(data.raw["technology"]["advanced-ore-refining-4"].effects, {type = "unlock-recipe", recipe = "thorium-pure-processing"})
Also I never had multiplayer issues when using mods["somemod"] to check.
I could be wrong, but using it to just register items,recipes etc. shouldn´t cause problems.
Path Clowns-Nuclear/graphics/icons/ore-5.png not matching the resource path pattern: __source__/path
The error shows up in a windows dialog, after which clicking on OK shuts down the game.
Because this was not caught by Factorio's usual "mod-error-handler-on-bootup", I had to hunt for the mod in mod-list.json and disable it manually.