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Genetic Engineering / Breeders

Posted: Fri Aug 29, 2014 10:12 pm
by havvy
I'm in the process of developing a mod that lets you mutate miniature biters (think maggot sized) that you take from destroyed biter bases, and mutate them into pollution producing, biological factories which I'm calling Breeders for right now.

The overall design of the mod is inspired by the beekeeping in the Forestry mod for Minecraft.

The breeders produce some raw material, die with offspring, produce pollution (as a side effect of the mutative potions you applied to them), and require certain biomes that are harder and harder to create the better the biters are.

If you have any ideas about what raw materials they can produce, and what you can use the raw materials to make, that'd be cool. Or if you'd like to produce some art, send me a PM or contact me on IRC. I hang out in #factorio on Esper, among many places.

Once I have the base mod done, I might expand it so that you can grow the breeders into tame biters that help you in combat.