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[MOD 0.15.x] Meltdown

Posted: Wed Jun 14, 2017 7:34 pm
by trold
Type: Mod
Name: Meltdown
Description: The mod lets nuclear reactors meltdown when they get too hot, causing a nuclear explosion
License: MIT
Version: 0.0.3
Release: 2017-14-06
Tested-With-Factorio-Version: 0.15.20
Category: Helper
Tags: User-Interface, Info
Download-Url: ...
Long description

Re: [MOD 0.15.x] Meltdown

Posted: Wed Jun 21, 2017 5:46 am
by featherwinglove
Sounds like fun. Pollution Damage might be fun for people who like this mod as well.

Re: [MOD 0.15.x] Meltdown

Posted: Fri Jun 23, 2017 10:24 am
by CrabDeSass
Nice idea for those like me who enjoy more in-depth management of facilities. But on the contrary, nuclear reactors in fact don't "go nuclear" when they enter a criticality excursion or even full blown meltdown. They just melt, and release a ton of radiation into the surroundings/fallout particles into the air depending on rising hot air and any other kinds of explosions like expanding steam. Though, I've heard that if you tried pouring water on a reactor undergoing meltdown, then you would get a nuclear detonation, but I think that's a myth since some of the first nuclear reactors for power were in fact boiling water reactors (BWR) where the water was in direct contact with the fuel as a neutron moderator as well as flowing off into pipes for heat exchange/electricity. See SL-1 for a good example of both an early-ish BWR and what happens when one is allowed to heat up too much and go into a criticality excursion.

Re: [MOD 0.15.x] Meltdown

Posted: Fri Jun 23, 2017 10:07 pm
by featherwinglove
You can get a criticality excursion from pouring a bunch of water into a dry reactor, resulting in a cold water accident. You'd get a runaway and a nuclear-powered explosion, but it would still not resemble the detonation of a nuclear explosive. An excellent illustration is Chernobyl-4 on 1986 April 23, an RBMK-1500 which had a runaway accident resulting from flawed operational test procedures, vs. Plumbbob Pascal-B on 1957 August 27, an explosive test which may have launched a 900kg steel cap out of the inner solar system over a month before Sputnik 1. The Chernobyl accident launched the reactor cover plate into the air, where it shredded the loading hall as it turned sideways, coming back down onto the reactor and, in my most understated way of putting it, changed the fuel configuration to one the operators and designers were not familiar with. This plate topped out at Evel Knievel speeds, really quite tame compared to the cover plate of Pascal-B, which at 66km/s, was going much faster than New Horizons, that Pluto probe. That's comparing the worst ever power reactor meltdown in history, unlikely ever to be topped, to a tiny nuclear explosive (0.3kt yield).

Re: [MOD 0.15.x] Meltdown

Posted: Fri Jul 07, 2017 8:52 pm
by trold
featherwinglove wrote:Sounds like fun. Pollution Damage might be fun for people who like this mod as well.
No need. The features of that mod has been in Meltdown from 0.0.3, a week before your post ;)

Re: [MOD 0.15.x] Meltdown

Posted: Mon Jul 17, 2017 7:28 am
by cpy
featherwinglove wrote:You can get a criticality excursion from pouring a bunch of water into a dry reactor, resulting in a cold water accident. You'd get a runaway and a nuclear-powered explosion, but it would still not resemble the detonation of a nuclear explosive. An excellent illustration is Chernobyl-4 on 1986 April 23, an RBMK-1500 which had a runaway accident resulting from flawed operational test procedures, vs. Plumbbob Pascal-B on 1957 August 27, an explosive test which may have launched a 900kg steel cap out of the inner solar system over a month before Sputnik 1. The Chernobyl accident launched the reactor cover plate into the air, where it shredded the loading hall as it turned sideways, coming back down onto the reactor and, in my most understated way of putting it, changed the fuel configuration to one the operators and designers were not familiar with. This plate topped out at Evel Knievel speeds, really quite tame compared to the cover plate of Pascal-B, which at 66km/s, was going much faster than New Horizons, that Pluto probe. That's comparing the worst ever power reactor meltdown in history, unlikely ever to be topped, to a tiny nuclear explosive (0.3kt yield).
66km/s manhole cover would have 60% more kinetic energy than the explosion itself. So i call BS.

Re: [MOD 0.15.x] Meltdown

Posted: Mon Jul 17, 2017 9:20 am
by featherwinglove
cpy wrote:66km/s manhole cover would have 60% more kinetic energy than the explosion itself. So i call BS.
Um... wrote:The steel plate at the top of the shaft was over 150 m from the nuclear device, much too far for it to be propelled to extreme velocity directly by the explosion. The feature of Pascal-B that made this possible was the placement of the collimator close to the device. The mass of the collimator cylinder was at least 2 tonnes (if solid) and would have been vaporized by the explosion, turning it into a mass of superheated gas that expanded and accelerated up the shaft, turning it into a giant gun. It was the hypersonic expanding column of vaporized concrete striking the cover plate that propelled it off the shaft at high velocity.
Math follows a couple of paragraphs later.

Re: [MOD 0.15.x] Meltdown

Posted: Fri Dec 29, 2017 10:09 am
by ZombieMooose
Any chance for an update to 0.16?

Re: [MOD 0.15.x] Meltdown

Posted: Fri Jan 12, 2018 9:30 pm
by Strategic Sage
Seconded. I'd like to add this to a long game I'm planning for when 0.16 becomes stable. Would be a great, appreciated addition.

Re: [MOD 0.15.x] Meltdown

Posted: Thu Feb 28, 2019 11:04 pm
by MisterFister
Somehow, this mod was updated for v0.16 without this thread being replied to.

Irony is, v0.17 just dropped earlier this week and I came here looking to sniff this exact question.