The purpose of this mod is to introduce all different means of illumination: spotlights, floodlights, searchlights, thrown lights sources (glow sticks!, flares), biomass lights(!?), solar powered lights...
Everything will seamlessly integrate into the game, including new technologies and production lines.
The mod is currently in beta and only a handful content done.
Post your ideas for new light sources or extending existing one and I'll see if it can be implement in this mod.
Implemented content
Core scripting
GUI for directional lights
Spotlight - multicolored directional light source that can be rotated to an exact angle.
UI explained
UI shows up only when you have directional light item in hand (i.e. crafted spotlight).
In the upper part you can choose what color the light will produce.
Using the lower part (light direction) you can control where the light will point, there are 3 ways of setting direction:
1. Placement - use R button to rotate the light in 45 degree steps before placing in the world
2. Follow Mouse - after placing light it will start pointing towards the mouse cursor, don't move mouse or character for 1 second to fix light in position. Several lights can follow the mouse at the same time.
3. Precise - direction is set by using "compass" (press yellow dot to drag) or typing needed angle directly in the input field below.
Roadmap - TODO list
[DONE] GUI: fancy color selector and precise rotation
[DONE] Mouse control for rotation: mouse movement is watched for 1 second after placing rotatable light source
Start expanding content after core stuff is complete: add floodlights.
Very Nice. Will add to my "Mods that add cool stuff without changing base game to much" list.
Solar Powered "weak" lights would be great. Sometimes you just want to mark the edges of your "free from damn trees" road or some edge of your base perimeter, etc. etc.
edit: soooo, Dark brings the lights? Had to smile about that.
This is an excellent mod. I really love those mods that add tiny things without turning the whole game upside down.
Really looking forward to the solar power lights. I suppose they will store power in batteries during the day, making them sort of expensive to craft, yes? Really looking forward to those
As I wrote in the more recent thread for the "Coloured Lamps" mod, I'd really like to see a Small Lamp, using less power than the regular Lamp but also having a smaller light radius. If it uses 25% the power of the Lamp and has a light radius 1/2 that of the Lamp, then the math/physics matches.