[SAVEFILEMOD 0.16.51+] SL-extended (autodownload/serverside)
Posted: Sat Jan 07, 2017 9:11 pm
A Factorio autodownload / savefile mod
download SL-extended 20180731
example map 0.16.51+: (download)
A Factorio autodownload / savefile mod
download SL-extended 20180731
example map 0.16.51+: (download)
example map screenshot
note: filled blueprintbook not included (more info)SL-BLUEPRINT-BOOK
- Custom command:
- /slap <player> - Slap a player.
- /slay <player> - Slay a player. (admin only)
- /logistics <endgame,> - Sets logistics requests slots.
- /inv <-100,100> - Decrease,increase character inventory bonus.
- /req <-18,18> - Decrease,increase character logistic slots bonus.
- /hp <-1000,1000> - Decrease,increase character health bonus.
- /toolbar <-3,3> - Remove,add a toolbar bonus.
- /run <-3,3> - Decrease,increase character running speed bonus.
- /zoom <1,100> - Sets the player's zoom-level.
- /acquire - Get all your requests in your inventory. (admin only)
- /robotspeedresearch - Increases the robot speed research level. (admin only)
- Start items:
- 25 iron plates
- 25 stone
- Spawn items:
- construction robots (and supporting armor)
- steel axe
- deconstruction planner
- Character optimizations:
- character long reach
- character mining speed: 50%
- character crafting speed: 150%
- Scheduler:
- Automatically sets train schedule:
- Open/click a train (locomotive, cargo-wagon, fluid-wagon)
- Press "Scheduler"-button (top left)
- Train Stop:
- Select station name
- Select type <"loading","unloading"> (see note)
- Press "add"-button
- (repeat 3)
- Press "finish"-button to save
- note: Autodetected type by station name
- load
- iron*, copper*, coal*, stone*, uranium*, oil* (eg. 'Iron 05', 'Copper 02', 'Uranium 05', 'Oil 01', 'Oil 02', ..)
- rocket*science* (eg. 'Rocket 01 Space Science','Rocket 02 Space Science', ..)
- base*acid* (eg. 'Base Acid')
- depot* (eg. 'Depot Iron', 'Depot Copper', 'Depot Coal', 'Depot Uranium', 'Depot Stone', 'Depot Space Science', 'Depot Oil', 'Depot Acid', ..)
- unload
- *unload* (eg. 'Depot Unload', 'Depot Oil Unload', 'Depot Acid Unload', ..)
- acid* (eg. 'Acid 01', 'Acid 09', ..)
- base* (eg. 'Base Iron', 'Base Copper', 'Base Space Science', 'Base Coal', 'Base Uranium', 'Base Stone', 'Base Oil', ..)
- science* (eg. 'Science 01 Iron', 'Science 01 Copper', 'Science 01 Space Science', 'Science 01 Oil', ..)
- rocket* (eg. 'Rocket 01 Iron', 'Rocket 01 Copper', 'Rocket 01 Oil', ..)
- load
- Automatically sets train schedule:
- Chest: Clicking it while holding a blueprint(book) will place all the required items in the logistic requester chest. (note: removes old requests, Not more than 12 slots)
- Character: Clicking it while holding a blueprint(book) will place all the required items in the logistics requester slots. (note: removes old requests, Adds more slots if required)
- Upgrade Planner ++: instant, without robots
- While holding a deconstruction planner:
- Tree removal
- Rock removal
- Pickup dropped items
- Upgrade planner
- Turret removal: remove turrets and there ammo instantly.
- While holding a tile of concrete or stone-brick (size 1x1):
- Dig: 1x1 tile > 7x7 water
- While holding a deconstruction planner:
- Auto Deconstruct: mark idle miners for deconstruction
- Itemcount: show the total amount of items you are holding in your cursor and not just the amount in that single stack.
- Remove bloated map decorations to shrink the save file for faster multiplayer (eg. grass, fish, ..)
- Autofill: automatically adds fuel and ammo from inventory to the entities you build
- Show a message when a rocket is launched, seconds since last launch and launch counter: eg. "[568 S] A rocket silo launched satellite 19"
- Auto capitalize renamed entities. (the first letter of each word)