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[MOD 0.14] Factory Backbone 0.14.0

Posted: Mon Sep 19, 2016 10:22 pm
by anarchyinc
[MOD 0.14] Factory Backbone 0.14.0

  • "Lights, Power, Logistics. The essential backbone to any factory"
  • Name: Factory Backbone 0.14.0
  • Latest Release: v0.14.0, September 19, 2016
  • Factorio Version: 0.14+
  • Download:
    (44.01 KiB) Downloaded 111 times
  • License:
  • Dependencies: Factorio v14.0, tested on v14.1 and 14.5
  • Optional Compatibility: boblogistics >= 0.13.0 (If installed, I make it so you don't unlock this before your first roboport)
  • Tags: Logistics
  • Author: Anarchy Inc
Please note: The included graphics should not be considered the final product. As you can tell from the attached pics, my art skills are not the best. The code however works fine. I already have a request pending so all I can do is wait.
backbone_on-off.gif (12.28 KiB) Viewed 1760 times
Short Description:
Adds a late to end game entity that functions as; an electrical pole, a lamp post, and a logistic zone extension all in one.

Long Description:
Tested on, and doesn't work with, Factorio v13 without cutting many features and introducing game mechanic "bugs". Downgrade at your own risk.
I play with 40+ mods installed and haven't noticed any other issues.

Comments and suggestions
This is to be considered beta and subject to change. But no changes will be uploaded unless I get graphics that I can be happy will and can share. Or, people seem to like it as-is for some reason and a major bug is found.