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[MOD 0.13.15] Radio Network (WIP)

Posted: Thu Aug 11, 2016 1:25 pm
by aubergine18
Type: Mod
Name: Radio Signals
Description: Radio masts, wifi, snooping stations...
License: MIT (code) and CC (graphics)
Version: 0.0.1
Release: No releases yet
Tested-With-Factorio-Version: 0.13.15
Category: GamePlay (I think?!)
Tags: Free, wifi, radio, snooper, IoT
Download-Url: TBC
Website: TBC

This is a WIP mod, not released yet, I'm putting this up at early design stage to hopefully get some feedback on direction and help with graphics etc.
Long description
Version history

Re: [MOD 0.13.15] Radio Signals (WIP)

Posted: Thu Aug 11, 2016 7:39 pm
by Ratzap
This is something I've been looking for for quite a long time (I posted a suggestion a while back).

Are the masts/wifi parts all the same circuit network or can you specify which they are part of when you build them? Can the wifi be added to a train or car/tank so it can join networks as it moves? The enemy is meant for team games right? Or are you making the biters enemies? Are their range limitations? On the wifi range would be fairly natural but a mast should cover vitually limitless areas (if you assume atmospheric bouncing).

Re: [MOD 0.13.15] Radio Signals (WIP)

Posted: Thu Aug 11, 2016 9:30 pm
by aubergine18
Are their range limitations? On the wifi range would be fairly natural but a mast should cover vitually limitless areas (if you assume atmospheric bouncing).
Radio masts will have large range, maybe 2x or 3x the range of a radar.

Wifi will have shorter range, perhaps something like 1-3 map chunks. I might add wifi repeaters or something to extend range if needed.
Are the masts/wifi parts all the same circuit network or can you specify which they are part of when you build them?
Anything that goes over radio network will be in named packets. There will be two name slots on a packet: one for the radio mast source and one from the wifi source (as applicable).

For example, if a wifi source sends a signal to the local mast, and that mast relays it on to another mast (which might relay it on to other masts, etc) the packet at the receiving end will have two names - one for the sending wifi point, and one for the original sending mast.

In addition each packet will also store the ID of the player who sent it, so that in MP games allies can share radio/wifi networks, etc.

There will need to be some sort of filter device to allow specific packets to be chosen from the network. Also, masts will likely end up with a UI to choose which packets to forward on to other masts, or which specific masts to forward them to.
Can the wifi be added to a train or car/tank so it can join networks as it moves?
I'm not planning that currently, but will consider it once the initial version of the mod is done. It would seem odd to have the wifi on the train - what if the train station had wifi (plus circuit connection) and transmits train contents when the train stops at station?
The enemy is meant for team games right?
Yes, human enemy (not biters) although I've never played factorio in MP so I have no idea what to expect yet (eg. are enemy bases in fog of war or are they already visible to all players?)

Re: [MOD 0.13.15] Radio Signals (WIP)

Posted: Fri Aug 12, 2016 2:11 am
by Supercheese
This sounds very similar to this other mod: viewtopic.php?f=97&t=17271

Re: [MOD 0.13.15] Radio Signals (WIP)

Posted: Fri Aug 12, 2016 4:53 am
by aubergine18
Supercheese wrote:This sounds very similar to this other mod: viewtopic.php?f=97&t=17271
The basic features are similar, however my mod is adding a bunch of extra stuff:

* Named channels - allow multiple circuits (including all their signals) to be sent over radio network
* WiFi modules and hubs to provide comprehensive gateway between radio and wired networks
* Surveillance features - spy on enemy transmissions, etc.
* Full module support in most devices
* Concepts like packet loss, encryption, etc.

Re: [MOD 0.13.15] Radio Signals (WIP)

Posted: Fri Aug 12, 2016 6:26 am
by Supercheese
Very neat -- you could still ask about the graphics, it has very nice sprites.

Re: [MOD 0.13.15] Radio Signals (WIP)

Posted: Fri Aug 12, 2016 10:35 am
by aubergine18
Yup, they're from these free 3D models:


If anyone knows how to convert those models in to factorio-ready sprites but with some customations, please get in touch :)

Re: [MOD 0.13.15] Radio Signals (WIP)

Posted: Fri Aug 12, 2016 7:54 pm
by aubergine18
Here's summary of techs, recipes and items so far...

  • Radio - enables main radio mast (transmit and receive), and smaller receiver mast (receive only), plus several ingredients used to produce them.
  • Phase modulation - reduces packet loss, makes snooping a bit harder. Unlocks recipe for phase modulator module.
  • Digital radio - cleaner signals reduce packet loss further, and also allow named packets to be sent over the radio network. Unlocks recipes for digital radio module, multiplexer and demultiplexer.
  • WiFi - Unlocks wifi wan (wide area network) module, hub and card. Makes it much easier to integrate circuit network with radio network.
  • Advanced radio - removes any remaining packet loss, and provides additional module slot on all radio masts.
  • Encryption - encrypt data to severely hinder snooping. Unlocks encryption module.
  • Snooping - detect enemy radio and radar signals. Unlocks snooper building (hopefully the golfball thing in image from previous post).
  • Triangulation - triangulate enemy radio/radar signals to expose their sources on the map.
  • Espionage - enables detection/location of enemy snoopers, and intercepting radio signals.
  • Passive Espionage - makes your snoopers harder to detect by enemy snoopers.
  • Decryption - increased chance to break enemy encryption. Unlocks the decryption module recipe.

I'll just list items here as recipes are still in state of flux.
  • Wire pack - common ingredient in radio-tech recipies
  • Mast guides - metal ropes to stabilise the radio masts
  • Mast antenna - antenna wires for masts
  • Mast segment - a segment of radio mast
  • Radio mast - a very tall, radio transmitter/receiver mast
  • Receiver mast - a smaller receive-only mast
  • Phase modulator module - reduces packet loss, allows a mast to send/receive 2 channels
  • Digital radio module - reduces packet loss, allows named channels
  • Multiplexer - names different circuit inputs and then merges them in to one stream for radio transmission
  • Demultiplexer - opposite of Multiplexer; it splits transmission back in to multiple circuits
  • WiFi WAN module - provides wifi network to area surrounding mast
  • WiFi Hub - integrates multiple named circuit input/output with the wifi network
  • WiFi Card module - add wifi to any device capable of having a module
  • Encryption module - encrypt/decrypt friendly radio transmissions
  • Snooper - building allows detection of enemy signals
  • Passive Espionage module - makes your snoopers harder to detect
  • Decryption module - increased chance to decrypt (hack) enemy encrypted signals

Re: [MOD 0.13.15] Radio Signals (WIP)

Posted: Fri Aug 12, 2016 11:44 pm
by aubergine18
Some of the items now have icons...

Image Decrypt module

Image Digital upgrade

Image Encrypt module

Image Mast antenna cabling

Image Mast guide cable (holds mast in position)

Image Phase Modulation module

Image WiFi Card module

Image WiFi WAN upgrade

Re: [MOD 0.13.15] Radio Network (WIP)

Posted: Mon Aug 15, 2016 6:58 am
by aubergine18
Tech tree
