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[MOD 0.14.xx] Teams

Posted: Wed Jul 20, 2016 7:19 am
by KaleR
  • - Type: Mod
    - Name: Teams
    - Description: Create easily Teams on the fly and challenge each other. You could configure every thing on startup
    - License: MIT
    - Version: 2.1.0
    - Release: 2016-09-14
    - Tested-With-Factorio-Version: 0.14.1
    - Category: Helper, General
    - Tags: map generation, PVP, forces
    - Portal Download:
    - Download:
    (43.09 KiB) Downloaded 462 times
With the help of this mod, you could easily create teams and challenge your friends.

The way it works:
- each new player will be teleported to a Lobby
- first player who connect could configure teams and some other parameters
- after the first player finish the setup, every player get the notifitcation that the teams will be unlocked,
- the mod waits until the team areas are generated and then it searches a non colliding spot to set as spawn area.
- if the mod doesnt find any non colliding spots the player must restart the map
- then the mod clears out trees (radius is configurable), kill aliens (radius is configurable) and does a initial scanup (raduis is configurable);
- team areas are balanced. The Mod takes an area located on the map and copy the resources to each team area
- team areas are completely random with a minimal and a maximal distance to the other player (configurable)
- after the teams are unlocked every player can choose his team. (he has also the possibility to join a random team (with lowest number of player). When Admin has enabled team balancing, he could not choose the team with the highest number of player
- when a player chose a team, the player will be teleported to the generated team area
- goal of this game is the same as in the base mod, every player needs to launch a rocket, there will be an info box which team has launched how many rockets

Ingame functionalities

Team Chat
The mod adds the possibility to enable team chats.
There is a button on the left top of the screen which will open a gui in the center where the player can type in a message only for his force members

The mod adds the possibility to enable alliances.
If enabled, at the left top postion of the screen will be a button which will open a gui where the player can view the other forces.
The way it works:
- Player can request alliance with other force
- Player can abort the request
- Player can decline a request
- Player can accept a request
- Player can terminate alliance
- Every change (execpt of abort and decline) will result in a delay of five minutes. In these five minutes non of the two forces can terminate or request a new alliance

Research messages
every time a team started or finished a research, every force will be notificated. This functionality is configurable (on/off)

Attack message
every time a building of a force (ecept neutral) is destroyed by an other force, every force will be notificated. This functionality can be turned on or off

Known Issues
Version history
Alternative Downloads

Re: [MOD 0.13.xx] Teams

Posted: Wed Jul 20, 2016 2:44 pm
by tamat
what about turrents and gates? do they shoot / open accordingly based on the team?

Re: [MOD 0.13.xx] Teams

Posted: Wed Jul 20, 2016 2:59 pm
by KaleR
when a team places a gate, this gate opens only for this team (even if you start an alliance)

A turret attack every other building which will cause damage to you (a turret only attacks other turrets or player). When you start an alliance, the turrents won't shot at anything.

Re: [MOD 0.13.xx] Teams

Posted: Tue Jul 26, 2016 4:58 pm
by LynxBlue
i have a bug, when you restart the world and then have the other people try to join, it sends them into a massive loop of the desync thing, and you cant join teams or anything, it does it every second and its quite annoyng, but i love the mod when it works :)

Re: [MOD 0.13.xx] Teams

Posted: Wed Aug 17, 2016 1:56 pm
by Essyx
Can you explain how the mod places enemy teams? Is it a radius from the first player? Otherwise, this is really great!

Re: [MOD 0.13.xx] Teams

Posted: Wed Aug 17, 2016 2:42 pm
by Essyx
Actually, When my friend and I try to play together we are stuck in a constant desync loop. I have disabled all other mods. (Sadface)

Re: [MOD 0.14.xx] Teams

Posted: Mon Sep 12, 2016 9:45 am
by KaleR
Hello Guys,

I have rewritten this mod for factorio version 0.14 complete.
There are no Desync warnings anymore.

The mod places the teams in a given radius from a random starting point (at the moment a random point from (between x (220,1060) y (220,1060) )
Additionaly, the mod controls that every team has the (at least) the random distance value.


EDIT: I have uploaded a fixed zip for factorio version 0.13

Re: [MOD 0.14.xx] Teams

Posted: Mon Sep 26, 2016 7:37 am
by EmuLegs
Hello, my friends and I want to start a 32 high map using EasyTeams to set up 2 teams, however after making the teams and setting up the settings the host has sat there for about 30 mins and the game just saying "Area for (Team Name) is not charted yet. wait another 10 seconds"

after waiting 30 mins, it seems like it can't chart the area so i thought i would drop you a line so you can make this addon better ^_^

Re: [MOD 0.14.xx] Teams

Posted: Mon Sep 26, 2016 7:38 am
by EmuLegs
Hi, 2nd Bug, mod takes items provided by
and on joining a team dose not give them back

Re: [MOD 0.14.xx] Teams

Posted: Sat Jan 21, 2017 8:02 pm
by Schmoggel
Work this great Mod on linux Server?