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[MOD 0.13.x] Factorio Reach

Posted: Mon Jun 27, 2016 11:55 pm
by Syx
Factorio Reach

  • Allows player to build and access any item on the visible play area in Factorio 0.13.x.
Details: Download
Two versions are available, depending on the features you'd like to enable.

v1.0.0 Enables the player to build and reach any item on the visible play area.

v2.0.0 Improves on v1.0.0 by adding the ability to mine any visible ore, chop any visible tree and also drop an item anywhere on the visible play area.

Apologies if this is posted incorrectly, as this is my first quick mod.

Re: [MOD 0.13.x] Factorio Reach

Posted: Fri Jul 08, 2016 2:33 am
by sporefreak
Sorry but, this just feels like someone trying to do something that's already been done to "get downloads".
also, the values are the exact same which could just be a coincidence but still. Why not just use True long reach? (Linked above)
If you didn't know it existed that's fine, now you do.
If you did you should probably say something like "I know it's been done but I wanted to do it myself/"officially" update it"
People might think you just stole TLR and changed the info file (and added "[ ]" around player)

Im not saying your mod is bad (just not needed)
nor do I intend any form of "attack" I'm just posting my initial thoughts (I'm basically saying "Why?")