Type: Mod
Name: Liquify
Description: Melt stuff!
License: MIT
Version: 0.0.4
Release: 2016-06-15
Tested-With-Factorio-Version: 0.12.35
Category: (Alpha) Gameplay
Tags: Resources, Crafting
Download-Url: download/file.php?mode=view&id=12338
Website: don’t have one yet
Long description
Long description
This mod is based around the ability to melt raw materials into liquids. Currently copper, iron, stone, steel, and plastic can be melted. The liquid material can then be crafted into plates or cast as a variety of other items.
Although it takes more time and electricity to liquefy an ore than it would to simply smelt it, there are advantages to doing so. Firstly, you get a bit more liquid per ore than you would if you smelted the ore directly into plates. The other main advantage of liquefying materials is that they can then be directly cast to a variety of things, which takes almost no time at all. For example: instead of smelting iron ore, than turning some of the plates into gears, then using that to make a transporter belt, you can simply melt the iron and make the transport belt directly from that.
Melting ores also gives you a bit of lava, which is just melted stone. This can be helpful, because it’s a free resource, but it also means you have to design your pipes cleverly so that the system doesn’t get clogged up.
This mod adds three machines: a liquefier, which is used to melt stuff, and two tiers of casting machines, which can take multiple liquid inputs to cast items that need several different kinds of material. All the fluids added by this mod can be put into empty barrels, like crude oil can normally. Six technologies are added by this mod, but most of them can be researched fairly quickly.
This is a work in progress! Let me know if you find any issues I’ve overlooked, or if you have any inputs about balancing or features.
Version history
Version history
0.0.4 (6/15/16): First public WIP build
RU: Ошибаешься, в моде, который привел ты, любые предметы преобразуют в жидкость и обратно, а в этом моде можно сделать жидкие металлы для будущего их использования, два разных мода.
EN: Wrong, in a fashion, which led you, any object converted to a liquid and back again, and in this fashion you can make a liquid metal for future use, two different fashion.
Re: [MOD 0.12.X] Liquify
Posted: Wed Jun 15, 2016 7:20 pm
by steinio
Sorry my fault.
Re: [MOD 0.12.X] Liquify
Posted: Wed Jun 15, 2016 9:17 pm
by Swadius
This sounds very cool. Going to give this a try when I get home !
Re: [MOD 0.12.X] Liquify ID Errors
Posted: Mon Feb 13, 2017 10:40 pm
by Vector07
2 Errors are comming up.... in reference to "basic-bullet-magazine" & "piercing-bullet-magazine" ID's not found in Factorio\data\base... prototypes and graphics folders.
Error Util.cpp:57: Error in assignID, item with name 'basic-bullet-magazine' does not exist.
Error Util.cpp:57: Error in assignID, item with name 'piercing-bullet-magazine' does not exist.
So... I believe I found these entities??? Their names were changed at some point in their respective spots and they are now "named" differently in Factorio's base mod files...
"basic-bullet-magazine" = "firearm-magazine" and "piercing-bullet-magazine" = "piercing-rounds-magazine"
I'm not sure if this is the problem... just a "name" issue of what the recipe "calls" in the base mod and png files but I'm gonna edit the recipe.lua to point to the new names and see if it's fixed!
Error Util.cpp:57: Error in assignID, item with name 'basic-bullet-magazine' does not exist.
Error Util.cpp:57: Error in assignID, item with name 'piercing-bullet-magazine' does not exist.
Error Util.cpp:57: Error in assignID, item with name 'straight-rail' does not exist.
Error Util.cpp:57: Error in assignID, item with name 'curved-rail' does not exist.
Error Util.cpp:57: Error in assignID, item with name 'basic-transport-belt' does not exist.
Error Util.cpp:57: Error in assignID, item with name 'basic-inserter' does not exist.
10 "ID name" changes - Liquify_0.0.4/prototypes/
Edited mod "ID name calls" to match Factorio game "base mod" ID names
@ line 347: From "basic-bullet-magazine" to "firearm-magazine"
@ line 351: From "__base__/graphics/icons/basic-bullet-magazine.png" to
@ line 642: From "piercing-bullet-magazine" to "piercing-round-magazine"
@ line 646: From "__base__/graphics/icons/piercing-bullet-magazine.png" to
@ line 784: From "straight-rail" to "rail"
@ line 788: From "__base__/graphics/icons/straight-rail.png" to
@ line 864: From "basic-transport-belt" to "transport-belt"
@ line 868: From "__base__/graphics/icons/basic-transport-belt.png" to
@ line 886: From "basic-inserter" to "inserter"
@ line 890: From "__base__/graphics/icons/basic-inserter.png" to
2 Changes to "curved-rail" code for Liquify_0.0.4/prototypes/
Commented out line(s) 792-813
type = "recipe",
name = "c-rail-casting",
category = "advanced-casting",
enabled = false,
energy_required = 0.35,
ingredients =
{type="fluid", name="molten-iron", amount=1},
{type="fluid", name="molten-steel", amount=2},
{type="fluid", name="lava", amount=2}
{type="item", name="curved-rail", amount=1}
icon = "__base__/graphics/icons/curved-rail.png",
subgroup = "cast-misc",
--order = "a[oil-processing]-a[basic-oil-processing]"
Commented out line(s) 241-246
type = "unlock-recipe",
recipe = "c-rail-casting"