MOD [0.12.x] Firearms Plus_1.0.0
Posted: Thu Jun 09, 2016 9:09 am
Factorio Version: 0.12x
Current Mod Version: 1.0.0
Released: 09-Jun-2016
Dependencies: None
License: Please ask permission before using anything from my mod for something else
Locale: en
Download Link: Description:
Adds many new weapons in 4 different tiers.
Early game weapons, these can take out a small biter base faster than the vanilla weapons (they are also longer range)
These are early-mid game and have excellent DPS and range compared to the vanilla weapons. The sniper rifle adds the ability to take out bases or worms at long range, but it won't hold back the swarms of biters and spitters coming after you.
These are mid to late game weapons, dealing extremely high damage. Armed with just some power shields and a military tier rifle, you should be able take out big biter bases with relative ease.
These are specialist weapons specifically build to kill behemoths. Not really much more to say there.
I plan to add more weapons to the game that are unique and not just more SMG's etc. Ill also try to listen to feedback and try to improve the mod and the balancing on those comments.