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[MOD 0.13] Megamind - control alien brains !

Posted: Tue May 03, 2016 8:31 am
by binbinhfr
  • Type: Mod
  • Name: Megamind
  • Description: Now you can control alien brains ! And force them to fight for you ! Well at least some of them, and for a limited time...
  • Tested-With-Factorio-Version: 0.13.0
  • Locale: english, french, german
  • Multiplayer compatible: tested on a headless server...
  • Tags: Aliens, Combat, Defence, Military
  • License: You are free to use and distribute this mod and also to modify it for personal use, but not to release a modified version without permission (unless visibly not maintained anymore).
  • Portal download :
bemyfriend-screencopy00b.jpg (31.48 KiB) Viewed 17255 times
For Factorio 0.13.X :
Please now use the portal for downloads (see link above or use ingame mod install/update), as I won't update both downloads links here anymore.

Re: [MOD 0.12.X] Megamind 1.0.1

Posted: Tue May 03, 2016 9:21 am
by binbinhfr
oooops, sorry, a little bug on some fresh installs.
go on v1.0.1 ;)

Re: [MOD 0.12.X] Megamind 1.0.1

Posted: Tue May 03, 2016 10:32 am
by binbinhfr
Note : for those who want to make tests with this new Mind Controller, you can spawn aliens where you want using the AlienEggs mod.

Re: [MOD 0.12.X] Megamind 1.0.1

Posted: Tue May 03, 2016 11:28 am
by Qon
I'm not sure yet if I want to try this mod, but I enjoy reading about your mods at least just for the creativity in your creations. I might come back for it later if I find a use case though. It does seem like a fun way to defend if the balance is right.

Re: [MOD 0.12.X] Megamind 1.0.1

Posted: Tue May 03, 2016 11:49 am
by binbinhfr
Qon wrote:I'm not sure yet if I want to try this mod, but I enjoy reading about your mods at least just for the creativity in your creations. I might come back for it later if I find a use case though. It does seem like a fun way to defend if the balance is right.
Well it's a funny mod to see aliens turning friendly and then ennemy again and fighting each others, but it is also useful in the sense that it allows you to replace laser-turrets that have a very high peak consumption by devices that are more smooth in their consumption. And you don't kill aliens with your own hands anymore ! So it's really easier to find sleep when night comes ;)

Re: [MOD 0.12.X] Megamind 1.0.1

Posted: Tue May 03, 2016 5:06 pm
by apcnc
german locale

Re: [MOD 0.12.X] Megamind 1.0.2

Posted: Tue May 03, 2016 5:33 pm
by binbinhfr
here is v1.0.2
Corrected problem with the invisible recipe + German locale by apcnc

Re: [MOD 0.12.X] Megamind - control alien brains !

Posted: Fri Jun 24, 2016 7:55 am
by tanuki_san
Cool and unique mod, but aditional biters cause problem by mod loading order.
If this script creates controled-biters in data-update.lua.
This problem will be solved.
(note. I couldn't solve the problem in thint.)

Re: [MOD 0.12.X] Megamind - control alien brains !

Posted: Fri Jun 24, 2016 10:22 am
by binbinhfr
tanuki_san wrote:Cool and unique mod, but aditional biters cause problem by mod loading order.
If this script creates controled-biters in data-update.lua.
This problem will be solved.
(note. I couldn't solve the problem in thint.)
Could you be more precise and tell me the other mod that creates incompatibility and what kind of error message you got ?

If I create controlled bitter in data-update.lua, there will be other compatibility risk, to duplicate unit created by other mods which creates enemies.

So if you give me more clues, maybe I can find another way to solve the problem.

> I couldn't solve the problem in thint

"thint" ? I did not understand what you mean, can you reformulate ? (I am not english native :-) )

EDIT : here is a temporary v1.0.6
please tell me if it solves your problems.
(150.12 KiB) Downloaded 204 times

Re: [MOD 0.12.X] Megamind - control alien brains !

Posted: Fri Jun 24, 2016 5:55 pm
by tanuki_san
binbinhfr wrote:
tanuki_san wrote:Cool and unique mod, but aditional biters cause problem by mod loading order.
If this script creates controled-biters in data-update.lua.
This problem will be solved.
(note. I couldn't solve the problem in thint.)
Could you be more precise and tell me the other mod that creates incompatibility and what kind of error message you got ?
Factorio cruched when a mind-controler targets "bob-leviathan-spitter"("Bob's Enemies") or "medium-vampire"("Vampire Bites(viewtopic.php?f=33&t=22453)").
Sry, i can't take precise messages already.
But, those messages means no prototype has the name "controled-(biter-name)".
(Probably, at the line "controller.surface.create_entity({name = enn_name, force = controller.force, position = enn_position})")
binbinhfr wrote: If I create controlled bitter in data-update.lua, there will be other compatibility risk, to duplicate unit created by other mods which creates enemies.

So if you give me more clues, maybe I can find another way to solve the problem.

> I couldn't solve the problem in thint

"thint" ? I did not understand what you mean, can you reformulate ? (I am not english native :-) )

EDIT : here is a temporary v1.0.6
please tell me if it solves your problems.
Ah, "thint" is typically misstyping of "tint".
However, if run 1.0.6, you will found "thint" means "tint".
(Because, it crushes at the "line of tint".)

Re: [MOD 0.12.X] Megamind - control alien brains !

Posted: Fri Jun 24, 2016 6:22 pm
by binbinhfr
ok i'll have a look at what happens with bob ennemies.

Re: [MOD 0.12.X] Megamind - control alien brains !

Posted: Fri Jun 24, 2016 9:10 pm
by binbinhfr
I installed vampire and bob ennemies.
With the version 1.0.6 that is downloadable just in the post befoire, it works for me.
I can spawn vampires or bob bitters and they are controlled.
I even add their name in the locale so that they are recognize.
Do you still have problem with 1.0.6 ?
It must come from another mod incompatibility.
I do not have your "tint" error. Is it when you run factorio (when it load sprites, etc..) or when you load the map ?

In case, I added a test on the tint before changing it, so please test this new version :
(150.91 KiB) Downloaded 178 times
and tell me if it works.
If not, please give me a copy of your mod-list.json so that I can see the mods you are using and that may conflict.

Re: [MOD 0.13.X] Megamind - control alien brains !

Posted: Mon Jun 27, 2016 11:25 pm
by binbinhfr
0.13 update

Re: [MOD 0.12+] Megamind - control alien brains !

Posted: Sat Jul 23, 2016 12:27 am
by Qon
Installed from mod portal. When I tried to start Factorio 0.13.10 I got an error message:

Re: [MOD 0.12+] Megamind - control alien brains !

Posted: Sat Jul 23, 2016 12:27 pm
by binbinhfr
Qon wrote:Installed from mod portal. When I tried to start Factorio 0.13.10 I got an error message:
Please update on portal
should be compatible with bob warfare now and other modded aliens

please confirm.

Re: [MOD 0.12+] Megamind - control alien brains !

Posted: Sat Jul 23, 2016 12:39 pm
by Qon
binbinhfr wrote: Please update on portal
should be compatible with bob warfare now and other modded aliens

please confirm.
Loads properly now with misanthrope, armageddon, emp biters.

Re: [MOD 0.12+] Megamind - control alien brains !

Posted: Sat Jul 23, 2016 12:44 pm
by binbinhfr
Nice !
If you have the opportunity to test if these new aliens are also properly controled by the controller.
They should...
But I am not sure that they will all be recolored in purple, because it seems that every modder chose his own graphical approach...

Re: [MOD 0.12+] Megamind - control alien brains !

Posted: Sat Jul 23, 2016 1:06 pm
by Qon
binbinhfr wrote:Nice !
If you have the opportunity to test if these new aliens are also properly controled by the controller.
When I get there, I will. Just started my Factorissimo playthrough where I try out some mods that seem fun but aren't allowed in my next big base q:
Not sure if factorissimo + armageddon is a stupid or awesome combination. Autosaves can save me in case I lose all of it at once I guess!

Re: [MOD 0.12+] Megamind - control alien brains !

Posted: Sat Jul 23, 2016 1:41 pm
by binbinhfr
yes Factorissimo seems great ! I have to try it

Re: [MOD 0.12+] Megamind - control alien brains !

Posted: Mon Jul 25, 2016 6:03 pm
by Qon
binbinhfr wrote:Nice !
But I am not sure that they will all be recolored in purple, because it seems that every modder chose his own graphical approach...
Mind control and purple color works on the modded enemies I have installed (I have Swarm too). It's a fun mod and useful with max biter settings and modded enemies. Behemoths might be a bit scary though when I get those. But megamind nullifies Swarm pretty well so I might survive.