So, one major flaw in the mod is that it requires paper to make basic motors. This necessitates the use of a mod like Treefarm as inserters are needed to make green science packs. Resin should overlap with Bob's Electronics resin, which would alleviate the need for treefarms for that component (bob's elec. adds resin made from heavy oil). please consider offering an alternative like plastic in place of paper
A second, and more serious complaint would be that 30 motors for the first assembly machine is.....well, insane. Not to mention you can't automate motor production till you obtain the 3rd and highest level assembly machine. It's just not even fun with these numbers. Factorio is about automation, and barring the player from early access to automation runs counter to the intent of the game. I love mods which increase realism, detail, and complexity. But there is a limit.
More of a preference thing than a necessity: I don't think one engine should upgrade to another. IIRC, engine magnets are composed of a single type, so you should add a component 'motor component set' or such which is made from iron, copper cable, resin, and paper/plastic, which then has magnets inserted to make the final motors. This way my Neodymium motors don't have lodestone and iron magnets in them
Alternatively, use the following setup:
Make Resin the same as Bob's Resin.
New Component: Insulative Sheet (made from 2 paper or 1 plastic bar)
New Component: Copper Winding (made from 8 copper cables + 3 resin + 4 Insulative Sheets)
Remove Bridge Rectifier and replace with 4 diodes and 1 copper plate where used (it serves no manufacturing purpose as it can easily be assembled on-site and adds nothing to the production process itself)
Basic Motors: 10 Lodestone, 5 Iron Plates, 2 Copper Windings
Enhanced Motors: 6 Iron Magnets, 5 Steel Plates, 2 Copper Windings
Advanced Motors: 6 Neodymium Magnets, 10 Steel Plates (or, if Bob's mod(s) are installed, 5x Titanium or Tungsten instead), 3 Copper Windings
Otherwise liking the mod so far!