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[0.12.14] Ultra Inserter

Posted: Wed Oct 28, 2015 2:55 am
by Simple_AOB
This is a lightweight mod that adds a single item (as of now) that is twice as fast as the "Fast Inserter".
Tech Required: Advanced Electronics

1 Fast Inserter
4 Iron Gears
1 Advanced Circuit

Power Consumption:
41kW in use
800W passive drain

Side Note:
I'm terrible at graphics so pardon me for the simply re-textured fast inserter

Re: [0.12.14] Ultra Inserter

Posted: Wed Oct 28, 2015 10:16 am
by GameCharmer
Congrats on getting this one finished up man! :D

Re: [0.12.14] Ultra Inserter

Posted: Sat Apr 30, 2016 2:27 pm
by SamyLerari
Hello !

Just downloaded this mod. Thanks for the work. I confirm it works on 0.12.31.

I suggest, though, a slight improvment.

In it's current version, this mod "ultra-inserter" is located left of base "fast-inserter" in build panel.
It makes more sens to place if on the right, as it's un upgrade (as base "fast-inserter" is an upgrade of "electric-inserter").

I modified line 8 of ${modInstallFolder}/prototypes/items.lua to

Code: Select all

order = "e[ultra-inserter]",
as base "fast-inserter" is order "d" and base "smart-inserter" is order "f"

Re: [0.12.14] Ultra Inserter

Posted: Sat Apr 30, 2016 4:07 pm
by SamyLerari
Finally i ended up creating a new version of this ultra inserter mod with following modifications :
  • This new inserter new requires a technology research : twice the speed was to powerful for the cheap upgrade (one fast-inserter + gears + red circuits)
  • Producing ultra inserters new requires lubricant : same model as blue belts ; it makes sense that lubricant is necessary for such speeds
  • Added french locale
  • Moved, in build panel, to the right of fast-inserter, rather than on the left, to clearly show that this is an upgrade
  • Producing ultra inserters new requires 2 fast-inserters instead of 1 ; same model as yellow build machines
Simple_AOB, i'd like to publish this new version. Do you agree ?


Re: [0.12.14] Ultra Inserter

Posted: Thu Jun 09, 2016 1:50 pm
by chipotng
Hi there,

yes it makes sense to need lub. So its better balanced and perhaps u put it also a put a dependency for Automation 3 or Logistic 3.
Perhaps u rename it express inserter. So its consistent.

I would appreciate an "ultra-smart-inserter" aka "express-smart-inserter"

