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[MOD 12.X] Up Your Arsenal

Posted: Mon Sep 21, 2015 12:21 am
by kingarthur
Type: Mod
Name: Up Your Arsenal
Description: Adding some more wepons and ammo types
Version: 0.0.1
Release: 2015-09-20
Tested-With-Factorio-Version: 0.12.8
Category: Alpha, Item, Gameplay,
Tags: guns, ammo

Its time to get out toys. The point of this mod is to add different weapons, ammo, vehicles, and turrets. At the moment it only includes a new ammo type for the shotgun. Rocket shotgun ammo. it doesn't have a tech yet and shares a recipe with basic ammo. I will be adding recipes/ tech in the next day or so. it will probably need balance a bit and I'm posting this to start getting feed back on it and suggestions/ idea for other things to add.

No suggestion is a bad one. we are on an alien planet fighting giant bugs and you can walk around with a pocket full of trains so realism is already kinda out the window.

Re: [MOD 12.X] Up Your Arsenal

Posted: Mon Sep 21, 2015 7:00 am
by SirRichie
First suggestion: shouldn't this be in the Work in progress section?

Second suggestion: if the rocket ammuniation is stronger than piercing shotgun ammo, then it should require a more elaborate crafting and probably a very expensive tech

Third suggestion: if you're providing weapons which help fight biters, this causes a disbalance in that biters get weaker, relatively speaking. So have you thought about introducing new biter types or make existing ones stronger?

Re: [MOD 12.X] Up Your Arsenal

Posted: Mon Sep 21, 2015 7:33 am
by kingarthur
1. ya, your right ill have it moved over.

2. I've started on that and have a recipe for it that require crafting a rockets for it and right now its just been added as part of rocketry tech. it will mostly get moved at some point.

3. i know making more powerful weapons weakens the biters but as it is both dytech and bobs mods already add more biters and so do a few other mods plus the behemoth biter were added so it is possibility in the future but not a high priority.

what i'm looking to do starting out is added some more options and variety in the weapons that are available. the weapons might be op but who doesn't enjoy pulling out a fatman every so often and just nuke everything.

ive also updated the mod with tech and recipes.

Re: [MOD 12.X] Up Your Arsenal

Posted: Mon Sep 21, 2015 8:49 pm
by jorgenRe
[quote="kingarthur"]pulling out a fatman every so often and just nuke everything./quote]
For those of you who don't know fatman was the name of a nuclear bomb(!) if any of you was wondering why he called it that ;)!

Back to the topic :)
I do like the idea of your mod, but as always pictures are more than welcome. No matter how your mod looks. ;)!

Re: [MOD 12.X] Up Your Arsenal

Posted: Mon Sep 21, 2015 9:04 pm
by kingarthur
actually this was the fatman im referring to from fallout(wiki link here.
fallout fatman.jpg (7.94 KiB) Viewed 9168 times
. and ya im working on a few ideas. im going to start adding pic soon.

Re: [MOD 12.X] Up Your Arsenal

Posted: Sat Sep 26, 2015 5:23 am
by kingarthur
so ive been doing some tests for planned features and managed to create a gun that shoots boxes. it replaces the explosion with wooden chests, so any object that is hit by it gets a box. i dont think im going to leave that feature in but i wanted to share results.