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The Future of SupremeWarfare

Posted: Tue Aug 25, 2015 12:42 pm
by SpeedyBrain
Hey, thanks for dropping by.

In this thread I want to talk about the future of the SupremeWarfare MOD!

I have many ideas that I want to add to SupremeWarfare.
I don’t know if everything makes sense and wether someone other than me would enjoy it.
That’s why I need your help to shape the future of SupremeWarfare and make it a perfect addition to Factorio!

This is how it works:
I’ll provide a list of ideas that I have.
Tell me what you think is a good idea and what is bad.
Maybe rank your top 3 ideas so I know what to focus on.
If there is something you want me to add to the list, leave a comment.

Do you want me to adjust things so it fits better with other Mods?
Do you think something already in the mod is unbalanced or would work better in a different way?
Tell me what would you like to see and let’s discuss it :)

Thanks for your support and your engagement.

Re: The Future of SupremeWarfare

Posted: Tue Aug 25, 2015 12:42 pm
by SpeedyBrain
The current version of SupremeWarfare is focused on Artillery cannons. But there is more to warfare than Artillery. :twisted:
Do you want me to split it into artillery and new stuff or put all of it in one MOD?

Here is a list of ideas for new stuff!
  • Alien Weapons
  • new Ammunition (with different effects)
  • tactical Rocket Launcher [T3]
  • Gatling Gun (improved Gun Turret)
  • Car/Buggy with a tactical Rocket Launcher
  • Car/Buggy with a gatling gun
  • Car/Buggy with a gatling gun and tactical Rocket Launcher
  • Aircraft with Bombs
  • Aircraft with Rockets
  • Transport Aircraft
  • Railroad Artillery
  • Tank with T2 Artillery
  • tactical Rocket Silo [T4] (auto targeting alien hive - craft Rockets inside)
  • Animations for current Artillery
  • Sounds for current Artillery
  • automated attack bots (Tanks/Bomber/Drones) - RTS Style

Re: The Future of SupremeWarfare

Posted: Tue Aug 25, 2015 8:43 pm
by fasz
Alien Weapons

If you can make exotic effects it's great, if it's just weapons with fancy names and different damage types then don't bother.

new Ammunition (with different effects)

Go for it!

tactical Rocket Launcher [T3]

Nukes? I'm ok with that!

Gatling Gun (improved Gun Turret)

A nice Ravager creep, I'm all for it.

Car/Buggy with a tactical Rocket Launcher
Car/Buggy with a gatling gun
Car/Buggy with a gatling gun and tactical Rocket Launcher

Not my cup of tea. I like automated combat better.

Aircraft with Bombs
Aircraft with Rockets

Same as above, but this might be a bit more interesting.

Transport Aircraft

Hmm, interesting idea! What are the details?

Railroad Artillery
Tank with T2 Artillery

Same as cars.

tactical Rocket Silo [T4] (auto targeting alien hive - craft Rockets inside)


Animations for current Artillery
Sounds for current Artillery

Would love it. They look kinda lame right now.

automated attack bots (Tanks/Bomber/Drones) - RTS Style

YES! I'm all for automated combat. I want my drones to patrol my perimeter and keep these fuckers away, destroying bases that are camped too close. The interface to define the policies might get a bit complex though.

The Mavor really needs a better targeting mechanism. The capsule is fine, if you can increase it's range, otherwise some simple selecting mechanism would be best (like the deconstruction planner).
Also, it's accuracy is really not that good, considering it's a Mavor.
Also, would be nice to have range indicators on all the artilleries.

Re: The Future of SupremeWarfare

Posted: Wed Aug 26, 2015 12:29 am
by grifter1
Grate mod looking forward to seeing what you do with it
all the things you posted sound fun to me love new tools
i think the one i want to see first is the upgraded gun turret and can you please use the old one in the making of the new one always end up with boxes of old gun turrets
having more turrets that are safe to leave up without the risk of knocking out the front of my base is always good
keep up the good work

and i think keep it all in this mod

Re: The Future of SupremeWarfare

Posted: Fri Aug 28, 2015 11:29 pm
by EditorRUS
I love the idea of this mod, it's very, well, factorioish, but the mod itself isn't that great and here's why:

1. The main problem is low variety
Obvious problem is that there is not that many weapons here. In fact there are only 2 kinds of ammunition - common HE shells and big bang shells. HE rockets are the same as HE shells (literally, in everything) and rapid HE shells are just plain stupid - ammunition shouldn't affect weapon's fire speed in any way whatsoever.

2. Dumb recipes.
First of all - why do they even require rockets? Are they cluster bombs or something? It would far more logical to make them require explosives instead of rockets.
Something insane is happening with big bang. The cannon itself costs A LOT. Yes, in caps. I am not even asking why it needs 5 fusion reactors, 10 mk-2 accumulators or even 100 processors. I am asking other thing: why, in the whole world, should big bang shell be so cheap? In fact once you made the big bang cannon you can forget about things because both targeting capsule and big bang shell cost far more less than the cannon you made. And this is really strange. You can literally outbomb the entire map and spend less resources than you spent on the cannon.

3. Automatic targeting.
This is where it starts. From what I've seen so far artillery is offensive weapon only. You take a stack or two of HE shells and a couple of cannons, you go somewhere, put laser/gun turrets around, put the cannons on the ground, fill them with HE shells you have and... find out it attacks not what you want to attack first. Why can only the big bang be manually targeted? It's not a problem if you decide to go in close combat but if you want to make an outpost and just clear the vicinity - it becomes really annoying.

4. The range
It's too short. 6.25 chunks is 2 fully zoomed-out screens. It's REALLY short. I am not going to compare it to real-life but I will say it's not enough for anything.

5. HE rockets
They are useless with stationary rocket launcher but they are total OP with rocket launcher. In fact it seems like all artillery except the big bang is useless when you can take your rocket launcher and shoot hives from afar being in cover by laser turrets. Rocket turrets are worthless just because they attack enemies with shitty rockets (30 explosion damage and ~1 shot per second? Are you kidding me?).

6. Big bang is too weak
Here's an interesting thing. Apparently big bang is supposed to be like a nuke. It should singlehandedly wipe out entire hives. But in real game you usually need 2 or even 3 such 'nukes" to reliably destroy a hive excluding worms. Radius 30 covers 4 chunks, 2x2. It is _barely_ enough to cover late game hives when they start to cover big area. For now hives don't have any infrastructure, you should get rid of the entire hive to stop enemies to spawn so if we assume big bang is like a tactical nuke then we find it's not effective to use these big guys to do what the do.

7. One goes only for one problem
And the last thing is that there is no universality. HE rockets are for rocket launcher, HE shells for artillery cannon, rapid HE shells for rapid artillery cannon and the big bang shell for the big bang cannon. This is just weird. It's a game where one thing goes for many things.

Here's my ideas:
1. Customizable weaponry
This is an ultimate target. Make it fully customizable.
1. Add some special assemblers for making artillery ammunition. They should include some kind of menu where you can select:
1. Shape of the shell. It affects internal space and size.
2. Amount of propellant. The more you put the further you can shoot this shell.
3. Amount of explosives. The more you put the bigger explosion will be.
4. Special additions. You can put some poison capsules to poison the area, you can put rockets to make some random explosions around the epicenter. Stuff like that, you know.
Of course by adding one thing you take some space which could've been taken by another. By changing size of the shell you make it require bigger cannon to be shot and also more propellant.
Also I request adding "artifact slot" to boost the power beyond what's possible. Artifacts is irretrievable resource (well, not really, but unless you play with certain mods, artifacts are being obtained manually) and so you have to carefully decide what to spend them on. You shouldn't be able to build nukes using only conventional explosives but you definetely should be if you add alien technology.
2. There should be a few kinds of cannons. They all should have similar recipes and only differ in amount of resources you spend on them, but the difference should be extreme. If you spend 400 iron and 200 copper on T1 cannon, you are going to spend 1600 iron and 400 copper on T2 and 12800 and 3200 copper on T3 and 51.2k and 12.8k on T4 and so on. You still shouldn't be allowed to easily launch nukes made of conventional explosives just by expanding your factory.
3. Cannons should be moddable too. They should differ in fire speed, scatter radius, detecting range. Perhaps they should use modules to do that. You can even utilize old modules (speed, production, efficiency). Say speed module will increase fire speed, production module will increase detecting range and efficiency module will decrease scatter radius.
After all this game is about making factory efficient. You play with ratios.

2. Defensive artillery.
Wow, it sounds stupid. For now we have two defensive weapons: laser and gun turrets. Both are fine but the point of mods is to add more. Currently there is only "rocket turret" which is absolutely useless. But the idea of using explosives to defend yourself is awesome. Of course we have totally OP mines, but it's not that spectacular and honestly not really effective. Using rockets would be a better idea because enemies usually group closely together and using explosions to deal with them is better.

3. Targeting ability
As I mentioned using artillery but not being able to aim it is kinda stupid and strange. We need some means of targeting. Using beacons sounds like fun so I am not going to request anything else.

4. Pollution
As you power grows you also start producing more pollution. Using tactical nukes shouldn't be good for environment. In fact the pollution should be one factor to not use powerful weapons just for something small. There should be some limitations of recklessly destroying hives in piles using artillery. Also I hope pollution will be more dangerous in future versions of Factorio.

5. Explosion falloff
Explosions shouldn't just abruptly end at some point, this is stupid. Explosions should falloff as they approach the effective radius. So I propose adding smooth explosions which inflict maximum damage at the epicenter and slight damage near the edge. Damage falloff shouldn't be linear and depend on max. radius. Basically explosions with higher radius should falloff quicker than more concentrated ones.

As for your ideas:
Alien Weapons - you haven't said anything about it
new Ammunition (with different effects) - hell yes.
tactical Rocket Launcher [T3] - what will it do?
Gatling Gun (improved Gun Turret) - goes for 2nd
Car/Buggy with a tactical Rocket Launcher
Car/Buggy with a gatling gun
Car/Buggy with a gatling gun and tactical Rocket Launcher
} - it'd be nice
Aircraft with Bombs
Aircraft with Rockets
} - hell yes!
Transport Aircraft - the purpose?
Railroad Artillery - it'd be an interesting addition but I don't think it'll be very useful
Tank with T2 Artillery - nope, no reason, unless you add customizable shells.
tactical Rocket Silo [T4] (auto targeting alien hive - craft Rockets inside) - nuking bells, nuking bells, nuking all the stuff, oh what fun is it to nuke while seeing them attack
Animations for current Artillery
Sounds for current Artillery
} - I don't think it should top priority
automated attack bots (Tanks/Bomber/Drones) - RTS Style - oh boy.
These guys must follow the same rules as regular bots are. Except for suicide bombers I think. It'd be really fun to watch them wrecking enemy.

Serious problem with my suggestion is that it's hard to balance. There are a lot of formulas involved with lots of constants to be precisely found.

Re: The Future of SupremeWarfare

Posted: Mon Sep 07, 2015 1:35 pm
by Imp0815
Railroad Artillery it is.

Re: The Future of SupremeWarfare

Posted: Thu Mar 10, 2016 5:05 pm
by ProphetofEden
I think its almost a require men for this game to have flamethrower turrets