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[0.12.x]Hardcore Inventory [WIP]

Posted: Sat Jul 25, 2015 7:19 pm
by harmar
Hardcore Inventory

  • Latest Release: WIP
  • Factorio Version: 0.12.x
  • Download: TBA
  • Dependencies: N/A
Long Description:
Click to expand

Re: [12.x]Hardcore Inventory [WIP]

Posted: Sat Jul 25, 2015 8:25 pm
by jorgenRe
First thought:
AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!! :o !
Sorry, but that is something that i would never trye seeing as i'm no Hardcore player ;)!
But i think if you could add weight to items(it is possible with LUA scripting!)
So that a player may only carry a max amount(can be increased with tech lvls) and keep the inventory size, and add special vehicles you can use to lay down machines even whilst driving it.

Then i think it would be a whole lot more interesting as i think the way you have it right now may be a little bit of a neusense(something they dont really dont want to do) even though one may be a Hardcore player.
Just ask if you need any help, as i'm happy to help others to accomplish things ;)!
Remember it all is possible, and i know it from the testing i have done whilst creating two mods(one that relies on LOADS of scripting)+ a third upcomming very heavily scripted mod! :ugeek:

Re: [12.x]Hardcore Inventory [WIP]

Posted: Sat Jul 25, 2015 9:32 pm
by harmar
this mod would only be for the most hardcore of player i don't expect many people to use it ^^

Re: [0.12.x]Hardcore Inventory [WIP]

Posted: Mon Aug 03, 2015 6:35 pm
by L0771
is more like a realistic inventory

Re: [0.12.x]Hardcore Inventory [WIP]

Posted: Tue Aug 04, 2015 4:50 pm
by harmar

Re: [0.12.x]Hardcore Inventory [WIP]

Posted: Wed Aug 05, 2015 8:02 pm
by aka13
It will make a great addition to a marathon + rso playthrough. Very nice mod, thank you. Although I would prefer if this mod would stay out from crafting times/balance so it can be used combined with other mods which influence crafting.

Re: [0.12.x]Hardcore Inventory [WIP]

Posted: Wed Sep 16, 2015 12:44 pm
by CorrettoSambuca
To be honest, just cutting inventory space is more of a pain than anything else.
As the guy a couple of posts above me suggested, a "weight" mechanic might be better.
Keep the inventory space, but if the player has more than x items on his character, then the more they have he more their walking speed is reduced, asymptotically to 0.
This opens up possibilities: For example, the legs of power armors could increase the threshold.

Re: [0.12.x]Hardcore Inventory [WIP]

Posted: Wed Sep 16, 2015 1:58 pm
by jorgenRe
CorrettoSambuca wrote:To be honest, just cutting inventory space is more of a pain than anything else.
As the guy a couple of posts above me suggested, a "weight" mechanic might be better.
Keep the inventory space, but if the player has more than x items on his character, then the more they have he more their walking speed is reduced, asymptotically to 0.
This opens up possibilities: For example, the legs of power armors could increase the threshold.
Now the only problem with this would be to define the weight of an item in a simple and quick way :)!

Re: [0.12.x]Hardcore Inventory [WIP]

Posted: Wed Sep 16, 2015 3:23 pm
by keyboardhack
jorgenRe wrote:
CorrettoSambuca wrote:To be honest, just cutting inventory space is more of a pain than anything else.
As the guy a couple of posts above me suggested, a "weight" mechanic might be better.
Keep the inventory space, but if the player has more than x items on his character, then the more they have he more their walking speed is reduced, asymptotically to 0.
This opens up possibilities: For example, the legs of power armors could increase the threshold.
Now the only problem with this would be to define the weight of an item in a simple and quick way :)!
That's shouldn't be too hard. You should only have to define the weights for the basic items because recepies can be used to calculate the weights of everything else.

Re: [0.12.x]Hardcore Inventory [WIP]

Posted: Tue Sep 29, 2015 8:09 am
by hoho
keyboardhack wrote:You should only have to define the weights for the basic items because recepies can be used to calculate the weights of everything else.
Looking at galactic trader mod, it'd mean defining weight for around hundred items for base game and tons more for modded games.

Re: [0.12.x]Hardcore Inventory [WIP]

Posted: Wed Sep 30, 2015 12:28 am
by keyboardhack
hoho wrote:
keyboardhack wrote:You should only have to define the weights for the basic items because recepies can be used to calculate the weights of everything else.
Looking at galactic trader mod, it'd mean defining weight for around hundred items for base game and tons more for modded games.
No you should only have to define the wight for, iron, copper, coal, stone, wood, water, petrolium gas, light oil and heavy oil. Use recepies to figure out what the weight for everything else should be. You could even add mod support by saying all ores should weight x and all liquids weight y. The weight for some items might be a bit unrealistic with this method which is why i guess galactic trader defines weight for a lot of items.