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[MOD 0.12.x / 0.11.x] Smart long inserters

Posted: Fri May 22, 2015 10:26 pm
by Schmendrick
Just what it says on the tin, nothing more. For people who want smart long inserters but not the other stuff from other mods that have them.
smartlong.jpg (38.58 KiB) Viewed 14127 times
  • v. 0.1.2: fixed entity icon (in electric grid info, possibly elsewhere?)
  • v. 0.2.0: updated for Factorio 0.12.x
  • v. 0.2.1: updated for Factorio 0.12.11+

Re: [0.11.x] Smart long inserters

Posted: Sat May 23, 2015 2:20 am
by Trev_lite
can i please get a fast long handed inserter.

Re: [0.11.x] Smart long inserters

Posted: Sat May 23, 2015 6:43 am
by Rseding91
Trev_lite wrote:nice!
can i please get a fast long handed inserter.
The base game's long handed inserters are fast.

Re: [0.11.x] Smart long inserters

Posted: Sat May 23, 2015 10:33 am
by Schmendrick
Kinda... long inserters perform fewer movements per time period than fast inserters, but they move stuff twice as far. So overall, they result in faster overall movement. Which I don't think is what you meant, but is what Rseding91 did.

I probably won't be making them, though it would be very easy to do so if anyone were so inclined.

Honestly for simple changes like this it takes more time editing an icon or making the craft recipe than it does to make the actual "smart" change.

In version 0.1.2, open the data.lua file in a text editor and look for instructions on making the smart long inserter fast. (Obviously if you make this change, anybody you play with in multiplayer must as well.)

Re: [0.12.x / 0.11.x] Smart long inserters

Posted: Sat Aug 08, 2015 4:10 pm
by Schmendrick
Updated for 0.12.x.

Re: [MOD 0.12.x / 0.11.x] Smart long inserters

Posted: Mon Apr 25, 2016 1:02 am
by Pacifyer
I love the mod. I've been playing with it for a while, and I've included it in a lot of blueprints I post online.

One bug I've noticed is that these won't hook up to a circuit network (filters and logistics work fine). I copied the following code from the smart-inserter entity and it resolved the problem:

Code: Select all

thing.programmable = true
-- Edit to add circuit network capability
thing.circuit_wire_connection_point =
      shadow =
        red = {0, 0},
        green = {0, 0}
      wire =
        red = {0, 0},
        green = {0, 0}
thing.circuit_wire_max_distance = 7.5
-- End edit

thing.energy_per_movement = thing.energy_per_movement * ratio
thing.energy_per_rotation = thing.energy_per_rotation * ratio