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Re: [MOD] 0.9.X]Red Alert Harvester V0.0.5

Posted: Tue May 27, 2014 6:10 pm
by Airat9000
irrelevant quote
another question .. how to make automatically extract, do not drive a car or sitting in it .. that he would automatically produce went to say ..

Re: [MOD] 0.9.X]Red Alert Harvester V0.0.5

Posted: Tue May 27, 2014 6:17 pm
by FreeER
Airat9000 wrote:another question .. how to make automatically extract, do not drive a car or sitting in it .. that he would automatically produce went to say ..
The code could be changed so that the player doesn't need to be in it for the harvester to work, just drive/place it on the ore and it'd mine and then pull the ore out with inserters...but you have mining drills for that. As for making it actually find ore and drive there (and back to a refinery) on it's own, that would require a decent amount of work (I think he plans to attempt it eventually though), that part was actually discussed a bit on page 4 (started on page 3 but page 4 has everything relevant in quotes)

Re: [MOD] 0.9.X]Red Alert Harvester V0.0.5

Posted: Tue May 27, 2014 9:05 pm
by McSpiffy
Yea "attempt" is the really important word ^0^

Re: [MOD] 0.9.X]Red Alert Harvester V0.0.5

Posted: Sat Jun 07, 2014 11:59 am
by McSpiffy
Sry for the lack of of updates I just got a baby boy yesterday >.< So my plate is a little full as you could imagine.

Re: [MOD] 0.9.X]Red Alert Harvester V0.0.5

Posted: Sat Jun 07, 2014 12:25 pm
by drs9999
Definitly he heard that the new Factorio is out and did the same :D :D

Re: [MOD] 0.9.X]Red Alert Harvester V0.0.5

Posted: Sat Jun 07, 2014 3:25 pm
by McSpiffy
Lol Thx!

Re: [MOD] 0.9.X]Red Alert Harvester V0.0.5

Posted: Sun Jun 08, 2014 3:49 pm
by Club Sandbox
McSpiffy wrote:Sry for the lack of of updates I just got a baby boy yesterday >.< So my plate is a little full as you could imagine.
Gratz !
Will you updated your mod soon ?
It's because i would like to make a spotlight (french) but i should wait for next updated (new skin ) ?

Re: [MOD] 0.9.X]Red Alert Harvester V0.0.5

Posted: Sun Jun 08, 2014 4:36 pm
by McSpiffy
As far as new images I'm not that great at it Image work. If I do an update anytime soon it might just add a new building. :)
So there is no real reason to wait if you would like to do a spotlight.

Re: [MOD] 0.9.X]Red Alert Harvester V0.0.5

Posted: Sun Jun 08, 2014 7:24 pm
by Airat9000
McSpiffy wrote:As far as new images I'm not that great at it Image work. If I do an update anytime soon it might just add a new building. :)
So there is no real reason to wait if you would like to do a spotlight.
new building good idea!
very nice!

Re: [MOD] 0.9.X]Red Alert Harvester V0.0.5

Posted: Tue Jul 15, 2014 9:11 pm
by SHiRKiT
Memories are flowing into my head right now, after seeing that picture! :D

Re: [MOD] 0.9.X]Red Alert Harvester V0.0.5

Posted: Wed Jul 16, 2014 10:47 am
You sir, are a genius

  • The speed should be a lot slower (Like a regular Harvester)
  • Mining speed should be a lot slower like 2 or 3 seconds, and a mining range of 1 (or 3)
  • GUI for Refinery to check box's in which you tell the Refinery which items to be deployed
  • Steam from the pipes on the Refinery
  • Them textures could do with a Revamp rather than the old Pixel one, then again, why not just re-design a Harvester and Refinery for your self and make it Official (also the recipe is easy for such an advance prototype)
[*]HP is too high, consider making the Harvester 1000 HP and the Refinery 2500 HP

Re: [MOD] 0.9.X]Red Alert Harvester V0.0.5

Posted: Thu Jul 17, 2014 1:48 am
by Turtle
Bug: If a Refinery is full and you drive a Harvester near it to collect resources, it will take the resources, but they disappear since the inventory is full. So you end up losing an entire truck load of resources!

I think I see the problem:
control.lua - lines 55 - 67

Code: Select all

    for _, refinery in pairs(refineries) do 
      if refinery.caninsert(itemstack) then -- if this refinery can hold the items
        inventory.remove(itemstack) -- remove from inventory (the harvester)
        -- do not continue looking at the next refinery...this might be optimized by
        -- removing the full refinery from the refineries table...
        -- but it has a few caveats, if the refinery can accept say, 
        -- copper but not iron, then if you had both in the harvester the refinery 
        -- might not be filled properly, you'd also need a check for if
        -- the one you removed was the last possible refinery
The problem is here:

Code: Select all

        inventory.remove(itemstack) -- remove from inventory (the harvester)
If you insert 1 coal because that's all that you can fit, then you remove everything else. There needs to be a check on how many items were actually inserted and subtract that from the total number of items so that the entire itemstack isn't removed.

Re: [MOD] 0.9.X]Red Alert Harvester V0.0.5

Posted: Thu Jul 17, 2014 2:57 am
by FreeER
Turtle wrote:Bug: If a Refinery is full and you drive a Harvester near it to collect resources, it will take the resources, but they disappear since the inventory is full. So you end up losing an entire truck load of resources!
... that's probably (almost certainly) my fault, for some reason I keep thinking that passing an item stack to caninsert checks if the entire stack can be inserted (that sounds logical right? If I only cared about if a certain type of item could fit then I'd only need to pass an item name...) :oops:
untested but I think this change would fix that behavior (would be a bit slower, but I'm not sure of another way to do it). lines 55-67
initial code
actually...this would probably work better

Code: Select all

          for _, refinery in pairs(refineries) do 
            if refinery.caninsert(itemstack) then -- if this refinery can hold at least 1 item
              local prior = refinery.getitemcount(
              local inserted = refinery.getitemcount( - prior
              inventory.remove(inserted) -- remove from inventory (the harvester)
              if inserted ~= itemstack.count then
                itemstack.count = itemstack.count - inserted -- decrement count for next refinery
                break -- move to next item stack

Re: [MOD] 0.9.X]Red Alert Harvester V0.0.5

Posted: Fri Jul 25, 2014 4:49 pm
by Scoutter
I have the problem the harvester harvest ressources even if he is full. That is quite more annoying if you keep the game running with the harvester active and it takes 15k iron but only like 7 k get stored and the rest get harvested into oblivion.

Re: [MOD] 0.9.X]Red Alert Harvester V0.0.5

Posted: Sat Aug 23, 2014 7:45 pm
by Airat9000
:( lava in stay game in crash///

Re: [MOD] 0.9.X]Red Alert Harvester V0.0.5

Posted: Mon Sep 08, 2014 9:29 pm
by necro
Any chance to update this to be compatible with 0.10.x? Does this mine trees as well or just ores? A tree harvester would be neat instead of having to chop everything manually before you get bots.

Re: [MOD] 0.9.X]Red Alert Harvester V0.0.5

Posted: Mon Sep 08, 2014 9:33 pm
by n9103
necro wrote:Any chance to update this to be compatible with 0.10.x? Does this mine trees as well or just ores? A tree harvester would be neat instead of having to chop everything manually before you get bots.
If you don't have a need for the wood, you can shotgun them down as a means to clearing. Long before bots.

Re: [MOD] 0.9.X]Red Alert Harvester V0.0.5

Posted: Sat Oct 25, 2014 4:47 am
by laige
my one complaint beyond the need for higher rez textures is that the refinery ore output wont insert into a chest.
Your mines will dump items directly into chest if there is one blocking the output. (I.E. instead of placing a conveyor place a chest). The refinery doesn't have this ability.

I like this mod.

Re: [MOD] 0.9.X]Red Alert Harvester V0.0.5

Posted: Wed Oct 29, 2014 3:09 am
by overabuncdance
noob question but i am playing 10.12 and its not showing up? what can i do to fix this?

Re: [MOD] 0.9.X]Red Alert Harvester V0.0.5

Posted: Fri Oct 31, 2014 8:58 pm
by Airat9000
0.11.0 ?
when will it be updated?