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Set mod version as deprecated (not whole mod)
Posted: Wed Jan 22, 2020 10:48 am
by darkfrei
It would be nice no have a way to set the mod version as deprecated.
The mod is on mod portal and it's stable for Factorio 0.17.
I want to make new version for 0.18, but then I need to set only last version as deprecated, the version, that must be tested before.
Re: Set mod version as deprecated (not whole mod)
Posted: Tue Feb 04, 2020 1:15 am
by kirazy
And conversely, I would like to deprecate a version of my mod for 0.18 because I have a successor mod, but there's no issue with 0.17 and no successor mod for 0.17, so that version doesn't need to be deprecated.
I was actually thinking of making this thread myself, haha.
Re: Set mod version as deprecated (not whole mod)
Posted: Tue Feb 04, 2020 1:30 am
by Squelch
"factorio version" field in info.json should be thought of as the target version. Factorio ingame mod manager will only display compatible mod versions. ie "factorio version = 0.17" can only be seen in 0.17, and 0.18 in the latest.
If the mod is downloaded from the mod portal, and copied to the mods folder, it will display in red as incompatible, and will not be loaded. The mod portal unfortunately offers the latest upload as the default, so can in fact cause a player to download an incompatible version. The workaround is to expand the mod on the portal, and then choose the downloads tab to select the correct game version.
Deprecation shouldn't really be needed unless you are indeed no longer maintaining it. The version system has been discussed in depth here.
Supporting multiple Factorio (Major) versions