[One Line Suggestions]
Posted: Tue Jul 10, 2018 4:51 pm
I only have a small suggestion, so making a whole new thread for it seems overkill. With more active work being done on the portal (yay!) wouldn't it be prudent to introduce an active/implemented/rejected system like in the API requests forum? Readability of this forum is slowly decreasing as it becomes a mix of bug reports, feature requests, implemented suggestions and general discussion. For the moment i'll put anything i notice here and hopefully remember to [ strike ] out things that are implemented (other people are welcome to join, and i don't mind if the implementing dev does the [ strike ]'ing).
One Line Suggestions (mine):
I only have a small suggestion, so making a whole new thread for it seems overkill. With more active work being done on the portal (yay!) wouldn't it be prudent to introduce an active/implemented/rejected system like in the API requests forum? Readability of this forum is slowly decreasing as it becomes a mix of bug reports, feature requests, implemented suggestions and general discussion. For the moment i'll put anything i notice here and hopefully remember to [ strike ] out things that are implemented (other people are welcome to join, and i don't mind if the implementing dev does the [ strike ]'ing).
One Line Suggestions (mine):
- Ability to change the internal mod name (time limited? license-like requests?) / Set a forward to a successor mod.
- Remove gravatar as nobody uses it. Allow uploading custom avatar instead, or use forum avatar.
- Mod pack support (Planned for 0.17)
- Better search function / Tag based in-/exclusion filtering.
- Option to hide deprecated mods completely
- Support for multiple tags per mod.
- New tag: "library"
- New tag: "scenario"
- Show latest mod version in quick-info panel.
- Multi-language support.
- Uploading images via URL link
- Subscribing to mods / mod authors / "Favourites".
- Stable/Experimental/Private release channel support.
- More relevant download statistics. / (Per Version) Rating system. / Steam-like "recent" rating system.
- User reviews like on steam.
- Grouping similar / dependant mods on search page.
- Hide images used in the information page text from the image bar.
- Remove differences between portal and github markdown.
- Make full mod-portal description available in-game.
- Search result "Download" button should respect game version filter
- Mod author biography / self introduction.
- "My collaboration" or mark collaborations in "My mods"
- More granular "deprecated" support (per mod/base version)
- Support for referencing transparent images / removing the white border
- Custom sort order for "my mods" page (i.e. "by name")
- Seperate pages for deprecated mods and active mods under "my mods"
- Allow non-github source code locations
- An official API for automating mod *up*loading/updating.
- Add information.md and faq.md auto-update from uploaded mod.zip.
- None Partial ☆
- Filter by game version Done★
- Allow deprecating old mods.Done★
- Allow changing ownership, and adding collaborators.Done★
- Add an FAQ tab. Done★
- Show mod dependencies with direct links to each mod. Done★
- Moderating (delete/rename) of discussions. Done★
- Seperate the "thumbnail" from the images bar.Done★
- Automatic dependency download Done★
- On-Portal and Email notifications for discussions Done★
- Automatically show the changelog from the most recent mod.zip in a seperate tab. Done★
- Trending mods search Done★