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Mod Portal Bug (Previous page goes strait to first page)

Posted: Wed Apr 12, 2017 6:11 am
by junhinhow
the tittle pretty much says everything, but will try explain better...

i don't know that you guys are aware about some simple bug on your's mod's page..

if we press next...
the command and the page, responds as we should expect.. but...
no matter what page we are browsing.. if we press the previous button...
its just backs to page 1... don't even care if i am at page 2, 20 or even 30... i just back to page 1...

like i said.. its simples... but.. stills a bug..
hope you guys fix...
best regards

Re: Mod Portal Bug (Previous page goes strait to first page)

Posted: Wed Apr 12, 2017 9:08 pm
by impetus maximus
working as expected for me. if i click 4 from page 1 and hit previous, it takes me back to 1.
if i hit 4, then 5, then previous it takes me back to 4.