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Difficulty placing electric miner on rubyte or bobmonium

Posted: Tue Mar 06, 2018 4:47 am
by MisterFister
Hey there. I'm juuuust transitioning into metallurgy processing for the first time on an angelbob playthrough and I'm enjoying this.

I've read elsewhere on these forums that infinite ore patches require an acid reagent to mine similar to the requirements for mining vanilla-uranium. This matches with my experiences so far on miners being placeable at certain locations on stiratite or saphirite fields but being inactive, and the image for the miner switching to the acid-miner variant. Since I'm not yet ready to make and deliver large amounts of acid, I've survived so far by removing the miners in question, re-ghosting an image placeholder for future reference, and placing the miner elsewhere so that it's useful.

In encountering my first crotinium vein on the map, the mouseover tooltips indicated that a similar mechanic was in play for that resource, but a different acid.

I'm totally fine with those so far.

My problem is with the starter-area patches of bobmonium and rubyte. I am physically prevented from placing electric miners at all on this resource, with no in-game explanation as to why. I cannot ghost-place them, miner-related blueprints won't recognize the surface as mineable, nothing. I can place burner drills on them, of course, but right now I don't want to babysit the affair. I'm not entirely ready to use these ores in any large scale sort of way, but having some on hand for limited stuff here and there, while also building a stockpile for when I need it, and also reclaiming some of the land area occupied by the non-infinite tiles, are all good things to work for in my mind.

Do I need to unlock a certain tech, such as the Mk2 miners or the large-area miners I've glanced across when scrolling the research screen? Just now when typing this post, I ventured out to a non-starter-area rubyte patch that was right next to a crotinium. I could place the miner on the crotinium (with the tooltip advising me of the restriction) but no ability to place the miner at all on the rubyte. I've not yet encountered a second patch of bobmonium yet. The reason I know the burner drill can work is that early on during my burner-phase of the playthrough, I ran a set of four burner drills into a box just to get some for later on. Since I've exhausted that supply now, that's why I'm trying to begin mining it in earnest again.

It doesn't help that it's right smack dab in the middle of where I want my main car-driving path to be located once I have the spare stone to start paving some walkways and driving paths. Does anyone know if the infinite ores patch get any smaller as they dwindle, or do they remain the same?

Now, instead of responses intended to shield me from spoilers, responses along the lines of "just play a bobs only game first to see how the changes are before you delve too deep into things," I'll at the very least need an extremely-specific and extremely-unambiguous answer at least confirming that this isn't a bug or mod-conflict. Things work with my modlist, but troubleshooting it to get it to work was a process, and I distinctly recall having a borked auto-update which introduced new errors (with mods outside of angelbob) before I manually reverted to earlier un-updated versions. I'm specifically asking if this is a known behavior of a working and properly-installed set of mods.

Edited to add: I'm also running the Prospector mod, could this be related?

Re: Difficulty placing electric miner on rubyte or bobmonium

Posted: Tue Mar 06, 2018 11:08 am
by mrvn
Likely a mod incompatibility. Post your mods and savegame.

Re: Difficulty placing electric miner on rubyte or bobmonium

Posted: Tue Mar 06, 2018 5:33 pm
by MisterFister
My mods, manually transcribed on a side monitor from within the Factorio game client's built in mod-management menu:
QoL or cosmetic mods
Gameplay mods
Base is also there, obviously.

So, wow, this is the first time I typed it all out in one place. I might ponder some light pruning of my list -- for example, I have no idea why I have two warehouse mods installed. I may or may not decide to keep Toolbelt21 and Wagon Capacity Color (haven't unlocked trains yet with it, so no idea if I like it.) I'm also on the fence about Blueprint Flipper and Turner.

I note that I'm running Angel's Infinite Ores alongside both Prospector and "Yet Another Inifinite Ore Mechanic." I'll check the threads for those two mods after posting here.

Re: Difficulty placing electric miner on rubyte or bobmonium

Posted: Tue Mar 06, 2018 5:35 pm
by MisterFister
(10.68 MiB) Downloaded 139 times
And my save, clicked "submit" too soon.

Re: Difficulty placing electric miner on rubyte or bobmonium

Posted: Thu Mar 08, 2018 9:10 am
by mrvn
Too many mods I don't know. But try disabling some. Obviously not angels ores but try the other ore related things first.

Re: Difficulty placing electric miner on rubyte or bobmonium

Posted: Thu Mar 08, 2018 5:38 pm
by Jackalope_Gaming
I've seen a couple threads on Reddit where Prospector was giving grief, so try disabling that first.