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about Pyanodons Coal Processing

Posted: Thu Aug 10, 2017 12:36 pm
by Hellatze
can we have this mod compatible to yours ?

Re: about Pyanodons Coal Processing

Posted: Fri Aug 11, 2017 12:23 am
by qwerter96
There is apparently a ton of work to be done with regards to making them compatible. ATM they don't conflict, but there are lots of duplicates. I've been looking at making an "overmod" to merge the two, but I need to use Py's mod before I can even think about committing to that.

Re: about Pyanodons Coal Processing

Posted: Sun Aug 13, 2017 7:54 pm
by aklesey1
Let's write the petition to Arch666Angel that he has helped pyanodon and Nexela with making compatibilty for PYCP

I am firmly convinced that PYCP can use some duplicated resources from Angel's library, and here's my wish list, yes yes its really huge list
That to a sensitive issue of combination of projects, it is worth leaving both Arch666Angel's recipes and your recipes so ur system and his system can work together, but didn't interfere with work of each other
We should create library of resources

Here is an approximate list for library, because these are the general resources:
1) Coke
2) Carbon
3) Acid gas
4) SynGas or Synthesis gas
5) Methanol
6) Carbon dioxide
7) Sodium chloride (salt)
8) Petroleum gas or methane gas - the assumption is simple that all this can be same though I can I am mistaken giving such unusual parallels
9) Hydrogen peroxide - its technically overhauled in Angel's petrochem for bob's mods but isn't used
10) Sand
11) Limestone
12) Lime
13) Chromium or Chrome
14) Mud water and its 5 subtypes to use somehow
15) Lithium chloride - Arch666Angel planning to make solid lithium chloride as salt
16) Clay and rich clay

Already in use and fully compatible:
1) Mineralized water
2) Saline Water
3) Bronze - compatible for now because already exists in bob's mods
4) Gases - hydrogen, oxygen, chlorine, nitrogen
5) Another - hydrogen chloride, sulfur, sulfuric acid, nitric acid, sulfur dioxide and another nitrogen products
6) Naphtha as heavy oil, fuel oil as light oil and base mineral oil as resource for lubricant and coolant for strand casting
7) Sodium hydroxide - because already overhauled
8) Glycerol - because already exists in bob's mods
9) Lithia water - because already overhauled
10) Pure water - already overhauled for purified water

What i wish to be compatible or are partially compatible:
1) Ammonia gas - if u'll use it
2) Natural gas liquids and aromatics - so they can cross for each other in some recipes or in processing chines
3) Cellulose and some natural products such as ur fawogae, bones, mukmoux
4) Сhlormethane nad another products of chlorine processing
5) Waste waters from angel's refining
6) Mud form angel's refining and Tailing from PYCP so it can be somehow used in crossing processing chains
7) Carbon Monoxide such as related product from carbon dioxde
8) Sodium
9) Manganese
10) Niobium
11) Using for ur nichrome
12) Some crossing for residual gas and flue gas - i think its different products, but they getting as residul products
13) More using for resin, rubber and plastics
14) Using for thermal water in ur mod, will be interesting
15) Using for purified water in ur mod as additional option for common water
16) The fate of ferric solution is also not really clear because its overhauled by boric acid
17) Fluorite and hydrofluoric acid
18) Rich dust

Some balance problems with getting some gases
Ratio for getting oxygen and nitrogen from 100 liquid air:
Bob's - 20 :5
Angel's - 5 : 5
Ratio for getting hydrogen and chlorine
Bob's - 25 : 20 - from 10 pure water + 1 salt
Angel's - 6 : 4 - from 100 saline water
But its workingб but nevertheless it is visible that badly in a balanced way

I agree, looks as moaning of the spoiled fan but very much everything unusually leaves it is visible that there is a potential for development
Heh its naughty list, i'm asking so many things but i'll wait

Arch666Angel plsssssss ;) :idea:

Re: about Pyanodons Coal Processing

Posted: Mon Aug 14, 2017 7:21 pm
by qwerter96
aklesey1 wrote:Let's write the petition to Arch666Angel that he has helped pyanodon and Nexela with making compatibilty for PYCP

I am firmly convinced that PYCP can use some duplicated resources from Angel's library, and here's my wish list, yes yes its really huge list
That to a sensitive issue of combination of projects, it is worth leaving both Arch666Angel's recipes and your recipes so ur system and his system can work together, but didn't interfere with work of each other
We should create library of resources

Here is an approximate list for library, because these are the general resources:
1) Coke
2) Carbon
3) Acid gas
4) SynGas or Synthesis gas
5) Methanol
6) Carbon dioxide
7) Sodium chloride (salt)
8) Petroleum gas or methane gas - the assumption is simple that all this can be same though I can I am mistaken giving such unusual parallels
9) Hydrogen peroxide - its technically overhauled in Angel's petrochem for bob's mods but isn't used
10) Sand
11) Limestone
12) Lime
13) Chromium or Chrome
14) Mud water and its 5 subtypes to use somehow
15) Lithium chloride - Arch666Angel planning to make solid lithium chloride as salt
16) Clay and rich clay

Already in use and fully compatible:
1) Mineralized water
2) Saline Water
3) Bronze - compatible for now because already exists in bob's mods
4) Gases - hydrogen, oxygen, chlorine, nitrogen
5) Another - hydrogen chloride, sulfur, sulfuric acid, nitric acid, sulfur dioxide and another nitrogen products
6) Naphtha as heavy oil, fuel oil as light oil and base mineral oil as resource for lubricant and coolant for strand casting
7) Sodium hydroxide - because already overhauled
8) Glycerol - because already exists in bob's mods
9) Lithia water - because already overhauled
10) Pure water - already overhauled for purified water

What i wish to be compatible or are partially compatible:
1) Ammonia gas - if u'll use it
2) Natural gas liquids and aromatics - so they can cross for each other in some recipes or in processing chines
3) Cellulose and some natural products such as ur fawogae, bones, mukmoux
4) Сhlormethane nad another products of chlorine processing
5) Waste waters from angel's refining
6) Mud form angel's refining and Tailing from PYCP so it can be somehow used in crossing processing chains
7) Carbon Monoxide such as related product from carbon dioxde
8) Sodium
9) Manganese
10) Niobium
11) Using for ur nichrome
12) Some crossing for residual gas and flue gas - i think its different products, but they getting as residul products
13) More using for resin, rubber and plastics
14) Using for thermal water in ur mod, will be interesting
15) Using for purified water in ur mod as additional option for common water
16) The fate of ferric solution is also not really clear because its overhauled by boric acid
17) Fluorite and hydrofluoric acid
18) Rich dust

Some balance problems with getting some gases
Ratio for getting oxygen and nitrogen from 100 liquid air:
Bob's - 20 :5
Angel's - 5 : 5
Ratio for getting hydrogen and chlorine
Bob's - 25 : 20 - from 10 pure water + 1 salt
Angel's - 6 : 4 - from 100 saline water
But its workingб but nevertheless it is visible that badly in a balanced way

I agree, looks as moaning of the spoiled fan but very much everything unusually leaves it is visible that there is a potential for development
Heh its naughty list, i'm asking so many things but i'll wait

Arch666Angel plsssssss ;) :idea:
That actually looks pretty doable. Again no promises but I'll at least take a look at making these play nice within the week...

Re: about Pyanodons Coal Processing

Posted: Mon Aug 14, 2017 7:43 pm
by gosensgo86
One thing I've noticed, and correct me if I'm wrong, is that when you have bob's installed the recipe for the Flasks requires glass instead of iron. This is a problem because you end up needing glass to make Science Pack 1, but you can't get Silicon Ore until you research Mechanical Refining. I think we'd need to add a recipe to make glass from sand in order for this to work.

Re: about Pyanodons Coal Processing

Posted: Mon Aug 14, 2017 8:00 pm
by aklesey1
Ohhh u right, u're soooo right
And how to get early glass?

Re: about Pyanodons Coal Processing

Posted: Mon Aug 14, 2017 8:05 pm
by gosensgo86
I don't think you can, that's the problem. All the recipes I've seen need some form of Silicon Ore.
So you're stuck if you have Angel's, unless you add another recipe for glass.

Re: about Pyanodons Coal Processing

Posted: Mon Aug 14, 2017 9:31 pm
by aklesey1
I like new science packs system from PYCP but it must be adapted from Arch666Angel's side i think, we'll need some small changes for sorting system at start, and what do u think people?

Re: about Pyanodons Coal Processing

Posted: Mon Aug 14, 2017 10:13 pm
by gosensgo86
Honestly I'd rather have PYCP expanded into other areas and use it as an alternative to Angel's instead of trying to make the two compatible. But if someone manages to pull it off, I'll be all for it. I just think they have completely different visions on where to take the game, and they don't necessarily have to be compatible.

Besides, I'd rather see something like Angel's Electronics than integration with PYCP.

Re: about Pyanodons Coal Processing

Posted: Tue Aug 15, 2017 4:41 am
by aklesey1
gosensgo86 wrote: Besides, I'd rather see something like Angel's Electronics than integration with PYCP.
There's no any Angel's Electronics for now where have you seen it? We have Bobingabout's electronics in bob's mod's and PYCP modifying it

Re: about Pyanodons Coal Processing

Posted: Tue Aug 15, 2017 11:01 am
by BlakeMW
It would actually be nice to have a "Community resource pack" mod like in Kerbal Space Program. That is to say a mod which simply defines a bunch of different common (and maybe not so common) resources (with icons). That mod could then be used as a dependency for other mods. Ideally the mod would also have a final script which prunes any resources which don't appear in any recipes to avoid cluttering up the filter UI and such.

Re: about Pyanodons Coal Processing

Posted: Tue Aug 15, 2017 11:50 am
by gosensgo86
aklesey1 wrote:
gosensgo86 wrote: Besides, I'd rather see something like Angel's Electronics than integration with PYCP.
There's no any Angel's Electronics for now where have you seen it? We have Bobingabout's electronics in bob's mod's and PYCP modifying it
There isn't one, but I'd rather see Angel work on making one instead of trying to get compatibility with PYCP.

Re: about Pyanodons Coal Processing

Posted: Tue Aug 15, 2017 9:46 pm
by aklesey1
About with problem with getting glass when PYCP is installed
Possible solutions:
1) Slow burner ore sorter - just like in AAI industry viewtopic.php?f=94&t=48232 - this mod has burner assemblers and burner generators which doesn't using water only fuel and don't need boilers to work
2) Sorting by hands - and yes it must be slow
I just offer to pyanodon to make glass from common and pure sand from his mod, he sad that's not right, but how? If sand can contains silicon....... heh

Radical solutions:
1) Lets make changes to bobmonium ore in angel's mods - let's make so that he gave us resources in the ratio 2:1 when sorting crushed bobmonium 2 silicon to 1 tin instead existing 2 tin to 1 silicon
2) Or add 7th raw ore - which could be main silicon source for start, and I can even think up a name for new ore - "Tarendeei"

Re: about Pyanodons Coal Processing

Posted: Fri Aug 18, 2017 2:53 pm
by kingarthur
alright so ive got a patch together for pycoal and angels mods. fixes the biggest issue so far and still is under going balance. shouldn't have any issues working as ive tested it up to science pack 3 as pyanodon had modified those recipes. i just need to spend more time to play with them both as there is a lot to go thru to see how balance needs adjusted. please check it out and give me feedback on it at

Re: about Pyanodons Coal Processing

Posted: Sat Aug 19, 2017 11:39 am
by aklesey1
Big thanks to u kingarthur!!! :) 8-) :mrgreen:

Re: about Pyanodons Coal Processing

Posted: Wed Aug 23, 2017 8:33 pm
by aklesey1
About new pyanodon's mod
I think this molybdenum ore must be included in some of 6 angel's ore to be refined, i think it'll be rare end-game ore like titanium, tungsten, uranium and gold
I must Nexela and pyanodon thinking up new fresh ideasб in what that similar on angel'sб it is necessary to tell that sometimes the complexity of recipes reads off scale but it is made for the sake of a fair share of realism

Re: about Pyanodons Coal Processing

Posted: Sat Oct 28, 2017 8:50 am
by aklesey1
Hey people? show ur creations with py coal processing, its hard and interesting mod with a fair share of realism