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A take on Vanilla:

Posted: Wed Feb 08, 2017 1:53 am
by Mylon
With the recent change to move away from Vanilla support, I was thinking of ways to spice up the gameplay to make Angels more interesting without requiring bobs.

So I thought of two simple changes that could be done in the data-update stage.

1. Recipes requiring copper plates instead require 1-2 semi-random non-iron plates. This way all of the extra ores are still useful and require sorting and processing.

2. Recipes above a certain complexity (based on ingredients and/or number of crafting steps) require ingots instead of plates, making extra refining steps a must for mid game. Lower tier recipes have a plate and an ingot version so plates don't remain necessary.

With these relatively simple changes, Angels refining and smelting and ores can remain relevant with vanilla recipes and even scale well based on other mods.

I'd be willing to try it myself, but the NoDerivative license makes publishing a nogo.