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Re: [MOD 0.12.x][Bobs][Base] Angels Ores and Processing

Posted: Sat Feb 13, 2016 11:46 pm
by Arch666Angel
Having a processing line for each ore wont fit, with bobs ore there would be over 80 recipes alone for the processing, that is a bit excessive. So I guess I will work on my alternative plan and shrink it down to 6 ores, which have to be processed to gain smeltable resources, each ore would have a certain mix of resources which come available depending on the tier of processing involved.

Re: [MOD 0.12.x][Bobs][Base] Angels Ores and Processing

Posted: Sun Feb 14, 2016 10:01 pm
by Guest_4544
So you will only add 1-2 additional buildings which are optional?

Re: [MOD 0.12.x][Bobs][Base] Angels Ores and Processing

Posted: Sun Feb 14, 2016 10:41 pm
by Arch666Angel
Perhaps that explains it:
-You get 6 new Ores with Angels Ores if you use more than the base game, it will be a full replacement for bobores for example. There will be only these 6 Ores, Coal and Oil on the map plus their infinite variants. And then you have to extract all the other minerals from these ores. It's a lot of work to set these all up, but the good thing is, other ores could be injected in. Could also simplify it a bit by leaving out the blast furnace and have the processing plant give the regular ores as output, that would require extra recipes for smelting the ingots into actual plates.
Biggest problem: Finding someone who can do some great building sprites for this :D

Re: [MOD 0.12.x][Bobs][Base] Angels Ores and Processing

Posted: Sun Feb 14, 2016 11:33 pm
by Guest_4544
Arch666Angel wrote:Perhaps that explains it:
Alright. Looks radical, I like it.
Arch666Angel wrote: Biggest problem: Finding someone who can do some great building sprites for this :D
Can you post pictures or some kind of mockup? I could try doing some models* or maybe editing the vanilla sprites somehow. The latter will take a bit longer because I need to experiment a bit.

*my UV-mapping/Texturing skill is not that great so it will look bland/not good, through at least I can do some animations at Blender.

Re: [MOD 0.12.x][Bobs][Base] Angels Ores and Processing

Posted: Mon Feb 15, 2016 9:24 pm
by orzelek
I'd recommend talking with Youoki about sprites - I think he has few in his mod already that would match what you want.

Re: [MOD 0.12.x][Bobs][Base] Angels Ores and Processing

Posted: Tue Feb 16, 2016 11:05 pm
by Voxel_Friend
Humble request-
Would you please add recipes to deconstruct the various artifacts back to their small variants? Reasons are as follows:
-So if you accidentally use up all your "smalls" crafting "bigs", you can revert to culture up some more.
-peaceful mods add a way to get the vanilla artifact, but there is currently no peaceful way to obtain "smalls" from bobsmods.
Thanks for developing such a great mod, keep up the good work!

Re: [MOD 0.12.x][Bobs][Base] Angels Ores and Processing

Posted: Tue Feb 16, 2016 11:08 pm
by Voxel_Friend
Also, the Red Alien Pre-Artifact uses polished topaz in the recipe. I'm sure you meant for it to use ruby instead. Figured I'd point that out. Other than that no bugs so far!

Re: [MOD 0.12.x][Bobs][Base] Angels Ores and Processing

Posted: Wed Feb 17, 2016 8:19 pm
by Arch666Angel
Guest_4544 wrote:
Arch666Angel wrote:Perhaps that explains it:
Alright. Looks radical, I like it.
Arch666Angel wrote: Biggest problem: Finding someone who can do some great building sprites for this :D
Can you post pictures or some kind of mockup? I could try doing some models* or maybe editing the vanilla sprites somehow. The latter will take a bit longer because I need to experiment a bit.

*my UV-mapping/Texturing skill is not that great so it will look bland/not good, through at least I can do some animations at Blender.
I'm happy that you like it, progress is slow at the moment, cause I have exams coming up the next 4 weeks.

I will sketch up something and probably talk with Youki about this, already hit on him in a stream. I already asked another artist whose style I really like, but I don't have an answer from him yet. And if everything fails I would be happy to mix yours and my graphic skills together and cook something up :D
orzelek wrote:I'd recommend talking with Youoki about sprites - I think he has few in his mod already that would match what you want.
see above, also when this is finish I will have to bother you again (sry!)
Voxel_Friend wrote:Humble request-
Would you please add recipes to deconstruct the various artifacts back to their small variants? Reasons are as follows:
-So if you accidentally use up all your "smalls" crafting "bigs", you can revert to culture up some more.
-peaceful mods add a way to get the vanilla artifact, but there is currently no peaceful way to obtain "smalls" from bobsmods.
Thanks for developing such a great mod, keep up the good work!
The thing with looping back/revert recipes in such a way is, that you in theory could produce an infinite amount by using efficiency modules. So a solution could be to simply change the recipe for the alien goo to big artifacts. I have another idea that would be more peace mode friendly, since you still need to kill some biters at the moment to kickstart the whole process. That would be something like a spore collector (wind trap see picture), that produces spores from thin air, BUT it has to be placed in the vicinity of a biter base, lets say in a radius of 30 tiles or so. Spores would be turned into alien goo and so on...
Voxel_Friend wrote:Also, the Red Alien Pre-Artifact uses polished topaz in the recipe. I'm sure you meant for it to use ruby instead. Figured I'd point that out. Other than that no bugs so far!
Thanks for the heads up and you are right that should be the ruby. Will fix this with the processing update.

Re: [MOD 0.12.x][Bobs][Base] Angels Ores and Processing

Posted: Thu Feb 18, 2016 9:06 pm
by aklesey1
Arch666Angel? what do u think about this mod - ... 93&t=19854 - its contains new chains of processing too

Re: [MOD 0.12.x][Bobs][Base] Angels Ores and Processing

Posted: Fri Feb 19, 2016 12:58 pm
by Arch666Angel
aklesey1 wrote:Arch666Angel? what do u think about this mod - ... 93&t=19854 - its contains new chains of processing too
I had a similar idea, basing the actual production on real processes, since you wont make for example wire out of a metal sheet. It works for him because he is doing it with the base game metals and yuokis balances, if I tried the same thing with Bobs metals it would blow up everything to monstrous proportions. If I tried something like that it would be more in the form of my own try on a total overhaul, but that's not the goal of this mod, this is meant to be extending bobs.

Re: [MOD 0.12.x][Bobs][Base] Angels Ores and Processing

Posted: Fri Feb 19, 2016 6:36 pm
by aklesey1
Arch666Angel wrote:
aklesey1 wrote:Arch666Angel? what do u think about this mod - ... 93&t=19854 - its contains new chains of processing too
I had a similar idea, basing the actual production on real processes, since you wont make for example wire out of a metal sheet. It works for him because he is doing it with the base game metals and yuokis balances, if I tried the same thing with Bobs metals it would blow up everything to monstrous proportions. If I tried something like that it would be more in the form of my own try on a total overhaul, but that's not the goal of this mod, this is meant to be extending bobs.
Sometimes i want big realistic factory but it will be badass lol :D

Re: [MOD 0.12.x][Bobs][Base] Angels Ores and Processing

Posted: Sat Feb 20, 2016 12:20 am
by Voxel_Friend
Arch666Angel wrote:The thing with looping back {snip}
I see. Makes sense. Just wish there was a way to produce small artifacts in a peaceful way. Any suggestions of how I could go about doing that? I honestly can't cope well with constant attacks (I prefer a more relaxed playstyle with little stress), so I wish to disable natives while still being able to progress.
Arch666Angel wrote:Thanks for the heads up and you are right that should be the ruby. Will fix this with the processing update.
No problem, glad to help.

Re: [MOD 0.12.x][Bobs][Base] Angels Ores and Processing

Posted: Wed Feb 24, 2016 9:36 pm
by Arch666Angel
Almost there!

So I Need names for the 6 (omni) Ores which replace all the other ores.

Buildings are placeholders for now, will be replaced in the process.

Re: [MOD 0.12.x][Bobs][Base] Angels Ores and Processing

Posted: Sun Feb 28, 2016 8:23 pm
by Arduin
Is it planned to add support for the two ores from Yuoki Industries? (N4-Material Chunk, F7-Material Chunk)

Re: [MOD 0.12.x][Bobs][Base] Angels Ores and Processing

Posted: Sun Feb 28, 2016 9:05 pm
by Arch666Angel
I could do that pretty easily if its a combination of yuoki and bobmods, because that would just be a matter of finding a place in the "loottable" for these ores. If its just the base game and yuoki it is more complicated because there will be no loottable as is, but I could imagine that these ores could drop in the refining process of iron and copper ores.

Re: [MOD 0.12.x][Bobs][Base] Angels Ores and Processing

Posted: Mon Feb 29, 2016 8:33 am
by Arduin
In my case it is a combination of bob and yuoki. If it is not too much to work on, maybe both versions with a config option? Like together with bob's ores make it generate, without it get that stuff via refining. Would be awesome if generation could be a thing.

On another note: Nice work with your mods, I really enjoy the ore generation and processing parts :)

Re: [MOD 0.12.x][Bobs][Base] Angels Ores and Processing

Posted: Sun Mar 13, 2016 11:26 pm
by kingoftheinternet
I love the infinite ore thing, especially with RSO -- having to completely destruct a mining outpost just feels weird, and as the most recent Friday Facts pointed out, it's a large and repetitive attention sink in the late game.

I'm kind of ambivalent about the ore processing, though. It feels a bit cheaty to me, and I ended up not really using it before I rebalanced it on my own. As far as I can tell, it's basically trading space for ore efficiency at a very favorable (IMO) exchange rate, with the bonus of approximately halving pollution overall pollution per output, if my math is right; the extra space is not really a burden in mining outposts, where space is everywhere and there's no other factory to have to work around.

I dunno what the most interesting way to address this would be, or if anyone really agrees that it needs changing in the first place, but my own changes were:
1. make the blast furnace run on solid fuel and require much more power -- 1.5MW instead of 300kW -- and double the processing plant's electric power draw to 600kW, which makes the chain a major ongoing solid fuel sink and more-than-triples the overall power requirements (which is not-coincidentally a bit more than the ~2.7x gain in ore efficiency the mod offers), and
2. make the blast furnace and processing plant far more polluting (24 and 55 respectively, which is ~9x and ~21x compared to the original mod and makes the whole chain more than twice as polluting per output than the vanilla ore chain)

These make the decision of which parts of the ore processing chain to put near your factory vs. at the mining outpost more interesting -- you'll either have to deal with the logistic challenge of having all of this huge stuff near your factory, or you'll have to tolerate the enormous pollution of the processing plant out in the wilderness (meaning that mining outpost will need much better defenses) and the logistic challenge of bringing a lot of solid fuel out to your mining outposts. It also means it's not Clearly Better to switch over to the new chain as soon as it's available and always use it, since it's such a large sink of solid fuel and might bring on more pollution than you can handle before you're well-defended.

Here's my modifications if anyone else wants to try it out themselves:
(2.15 MiB) Downloaded 217 times

Re: [MOD 0.12.x][Bobs][Base] Angels Ores and Processing

Posted: Sun Mar 13, 2016 11:34 pm
by Arch666Angel
I'm glad you like it. As for the processing part, as you can see from the posts above, I'm redoing and reworking the whole thing to have a lot more progression and also reducing the extra output you get per ore mined. I want the processing to be a challenge and a decision. I hope that I'll have something ready to release this week. Having the Blast furnace or the new refinery use solid fuel is a suggestion I will keep in mind, but thankfully that is something I can add later on, when it comes to balancing and setting up obstacles for the individual tiers of processing.

Re: [MOD 0.12.x][Bobs][Base] Angels Ores and Processing

Posted: Fri Mar 18, 2016 11:03 pm
by bruteman
Hey Arch,

I am calling my old Stream Modpack Complete so I am now working on Ver 2.0 mod pack interested using your mod is it ready for my testing I am going with a Bob's / Yuoki pack for 2.0 I know you said in stream you were adding support for the ores is it in this current release?



Re: [MOD 0.12.x][Bobs][Base] Angels Ores and Processing

Posted: Sat Mar 19, 2016 7:31 am
by Trev_lite
I have an error when I try to run Factorio with this mod.

Code: Select all

__angelsores__/data.lua:63: attempt to index field 'ores' (a nil value)
only mod that affect ores I have is RSO.

the problem is with

Code: Select all

if bobmods.ores.settings.UnsortedGemOre == true then
  bobmods.lib.add_item_to_resource("infinite-gem-ore", {name="gem-ore"})
  bobmods.lib.add_item_to_resource("infinite-gem-ore", {name="diamond-ore", probability = bobmods.gems.DiamondRatio})
  bobmods.lib.add_item_to_resource("infinite-gem-ore", {name="emerald-ore", probability = bobmods.gems.EmeraldRatio})
  bobmods.lib.add_item_to_resource("infinite-gem-ore", {name="amethyst-ore", probability = bobmods.gems.AmethystRatio})
  bobmods.lib.add_item_to_resource("infinite-gem-ore", {name="ruby-ore", probability = bobmods.gems.RubyRatio})
  bobmods.lib.add_item_to_resource("infinite-gem-ore", {name="sapphire-ore", probability = bobmods.gems.SapphireRatio})
  bobmods.lib.add_item_to_resource("infinite-gem-ore", {name="topaz-ore", probability = bobmods.gems.TopazRatio})
it does not check if you are using bobmods first before trying to get bobmods settings.

here is a version that should work even if you are not using bobmods.