To mine infinite ores you can do any of these things:bodito wrote:So, what do I do here? All i want is for my drills to get the base (not infinite) ore from the patch. But the drills just get stuck on the infinite ores. You can see that there are 21k ores underneath the drill, but that no saphirite is being mined (from the yellow productivity status).
* I'm not far enough into this playthrough to warrant the use of sulfuric acid on the ores yet. (This patch only has ~1.4m ores and is the very first expansion, I just need more iron to get to the point where I'm comfortable using sulfuric acid.
Also, on a different note, in the future, how am I supposed to get the sulfuric acid to the drills? The only way would be to remove some of my other drills. Would I just have to make space?
a) Use only Large Area Mining Drills that way every drill will have the fluid input form
b) Mine around the infinite ore first then place the drills on the infinite patch with fluid
c) Disable acid requirement for infinite ores on the settings menu
d) Disable infinite ores and you'll never have to deal with it and also you'll need to make outposts every few hours instead of sitting back and have resources comming endlessly
e) Curse angel and you'll still have a problem to fix