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[raiguard] [2.0.15] Factoriopedia shortcut does not respect Linux OS ctrl swapping

Posted: Sat Nov 09, 2024 12:13 am
by BenSeidel
What did I do:
I ran

Code: Select all

/usr/bin/setxkbmap -option ctrl:swapcaps
to swap my caps lock & left ctrl button around.
I re-bound the "Open factoriopedia" key binding in the Factorio settings to "Ctrl + Shift + Alt + Left-click"

What I expect:
Pressing Caps Lock + Alt + Shift and clicking on an item should open the Factoriopedia screen.

What happens:
Pressing Caps Lock + Alt + Shift and clicking on an item does nothing.
Pressing Left Ctrl + Alt + Shift and clicking on an item, it opens the Factoriopedia screen and turns on my caps lock.

Reason for bug report:
Ctrl remapping works for all other ctrl functions, eg find being ctrl+ F works using caps lock on my machine. Also, keybindings in the settings screen correctly using caps lock as the ctrl key.

Any help on this would be appreciated. It's a minor issue as I rebound the Factoriopedia to this keybinding because I use it so infrequently.