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[Solved] Are those preferred among equally named stations, which have a higher train limit set?

Posted: Fri May 21, 2021 9:12 pm
by Impatient
Are those prioritized among equally named stations, which have a higher train limit set?

Eg. 2 stations with same name, one with a train limit of 2 and the other one with a train limit of 1.
Would the first available train then be sent to the station with the higher train limit?

Re: Are those preferred among equally named stations, which have a higher train limit set?

Posted: Fri May 21, 2021 9:28 pm
by Zanthra
Trains limit only affects which stations are valid destinations. It the station has train slots available it will be treated normally, if it does not have slots available trains will not path to it similar to how they will not path to a disabled station. Trains make all other pathfinding choices normally (the same way they would if train limits were not used) to determine what station they go to.

Re: Are those preferred among equally named stations, which have a higher train limit set?

Posted: Sat May 22, 2021 4:33 am
by astroshak
Train limit only tells the train “you can come here” or “you cannot come here”. It has nothing else to do with the train deciding which station to go to.

Trains go to the station with the least penalty applied (which usually means, the one with the fewest signals to pass) to the route. They only check valid destinations, however, so a disabled station or one that is at (or above) its train limit will not be considered.