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How to check full belt of items

Posted: Wed Apr 21, 2021 8:27 am
by Arakasi
I have a setup with Arboriums and Mulchers (Renewed Arborium mod) where I need to check whether belt is full of seed. I see in the belt connected with circuit that there are up 8 items in Hold mode.
Inserter connected to this belt would react on "Anything" > 7 which works if the belt is filled by single type of items. In my case there is various types of seeds and I need to to count their consilidated number.
What are the options to enable insterter only when belt is full in case of various items on the belt. Thanks

Re: How to check full belt of items

Posted: Wed Apr 21, 2021 8:41 am
by boran_blok
I think you have to make a merger with a combinator.

anything * 1 output checkmark for example.
and then on checkmark > 7

Re: How to check full belt of items

Posted: Wed Apr 21, 2021 3:55 pm
by Zanthra
Can you do something with a priority output splitter instead of using an inserter linked to the belt when full? The splitter will inherently do the check if the belt is full, and direct output to the non-priority side only when the priority side is full. Then you connect the inserter to the non-priority side and it only gets seeds in the correct condition.

Re: How to check full belt of items

Posted: Thu Apr 22, 2021 7:09 am
by Bauer
You can do it with splitters.

Connect the seed belt to splitter 1.
Set both priority input and output to the side where the seeds are connected.
Connect this splitter with 2 parallel belts to another splitter (2).
Set a filter for fish for splitter 2.
Loop back the fish-exit of splitter 2 to splitter 1.
Fill the loop with fish.

If you find fish on the seed side between the two slitters, your seed belt is not full.
fish loop.gif
fish loop.gif (107.89 KiB) Viewed 9551 times

Re: How to check full belt of items

Posted: Thu Apr 22, 2021 8:42 am
by ondrii
Bauer wrote: Thu Apr 22, 2021 7:09 am If you find fish on the seed side between the two slitters, your seed belt is not full.
fish loop.gif
This is so brilliant and beautiful solution. Thanks, I will use it for sure :D

Re: How to check full belt of items

Posted: Thu Apr 22, 2021 9:41 am
by disentius
Use a Arithmetic combinator to trranslate all signals tot a total of one.
Read the belt on hold, and set the AC to each + 0, output -> A. the "A" signal will be the total of all different items on the belt. then the setting "anything < 7" or "A < 7" works as desired.