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Logistic network explanation

Posted: Sat Feb 21, 2015 5:31 pm
by Enterpriser1995
Hey guys.

I'm here to ask how does the logistic network work.

I mean, i have something in a normal iron chest, and i don't want it to go after 50 units, could it work with logistic network or the smart inserter just acts as a filter in this case?

Re: Logistic network explanation

Posted: Sat Feb 21, 2015 6:20 pm
by Xterminator
Two ways to do this, one uses the logistic network, one doesn't so up to you.
If you want to use the logistics networkto limit it, you to have it go into a Passive Provider chest, no iron, sense normal chests aren't tied to the network at all. Obviously make sure you have robots setup and that the chest is in the logistic network range (the orange square of coverage when you mouse over a roboport). Then when you use a smart inserter, it gives the option to limit it.

Or without using a logistics network, you can use a red or green wire condition. You hook a wire up going from a smart chest to a smart inserter, then another wire (of the same color) going from the inserter to an electric pole. That gives a way to limit it on the inserter as well. :)

Hope that helped!

Re: Logistic network explanation

Posted: Sat Feb 21, 2015 11:25 pm
by Enterpriser1995
The second way was the idea i was looking for!

Thank you!