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LTN - Logistic train network requester help

Posted: Sun Feb 02, 2020 11:37 am
by lukozas1
Hello, so here's the problem:
A requester station requests stuff as it should (in this case copper ore), when the copper ore arrives, the filter stack inserters doesn't unload the copper ore. They are set to the setting set filter, the combinator with -16000 copper ore is connected to the inserters. Any help, someone?

Re: LTN - Logistic train network requester help

Posted: Sun Feb 02, 2020 12:10 pm
by Zaflis
What condition on the inserter and what signal are they receiving? You can see signals by connecting the wire to a powerpole.

In simplest requester station for LTN you don't need to wire inserters at all though. Sounds complicated to me :roll:
Basically you always want to empty the train entirely on a requester station. It would be a small disaster if train would leave with some items still in it back to depot.

Re: LTN - Logistic train network requester help

Posted: Sun Feb 02, 2020 12:44 pm
by lukozas1
Alright, didn't think about that :D I just put filter stack inserters and set the filter in the slot

Re: LTN - Logistic train network requester help

Posted: Sun Feb 02, 2020 2:44 pm
by steinio
Filter can only be positive for inserters. So at least you need to use an arithmetic comb. and set it to EACH * -1.

But as Zaflis said, it's not necessary at all.

Re: LTN - Logistic train network requester help

Posted: Sun Feb 02, 2020 7:05 pm
by Zaflis
steinio wrote:
Sun Feb 02, 2020 2:44 pm
Filter can only be positive for inserters. So at least you need to use an arithmetic comb. and set it to EACH * -1.
I don't use even something like that. If you go in the mod options and toggle off the "Finish loading", it will only load in as many items as the request is, not fill the cargo wagon to its max capacity. Then you don't need to wire any inserters. But yes if it's a station unloading say iron ore then i always use stack filter inserters for iron ore.

The setting tweak works if all inserters in loading stations deal with only 1 type of item, which should be the case 100% of the time in my case at least. It will remove the "inactive 2 seconds" from schedule when items are loaded in, letting train move out at exact threshold. Unloading stations still can be mixed items if you want them to be, still without any wires attached. Well you always need the wires from chests or fluid tanks for the condition on the LTN station itself.

Additionally i signal "Request threshold" in the constant combinator of the requesting stations to avoid too much traffic.